Shellies Discovery Script

I’ve got the problem that my new Shelly 2.5 devices configured as Roller Shutter:

Are getting showed as normal Shelly 2.5 relay switches:

How can I solve this?

By reading the script documentation.

I tried to download it again, same error. I’m testing it in a 0.88 version env. Could be this the problem?

Probably yes. Script is compatible with the current HA verion and the current Shelly firmware.

New version: 0.22.0

Changes in this release are related to version 1.7 of the Shelly firmware so update your devices first!


  • remove workaround for the state of the external sensors (Shelly 1/Shelly 1PM)
  • add shortpush binary sensor (Shelly 1/Shelly 1PM, Shelly 2, Shelly 2.5)
  • rename argument longpush_off_delay to push_off_delay BREAKING CHANGE
  • adapt Shelly RGBW2 sensors to new documentation, input power and overpower sensors will change names in color mode and will disappear in white mode BREAKING CHANGE

New version: 0.23.0


  • add support for Shelly Button1
  • add support for Shelly i3
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Hi Bieniu, first of all … thanks for your great work. For my it’s the best implementation for Shelly devices in Home Assistant :slightly_smiling_face:. I already have a Shelly Button1 and i3 and am looking forward for your new version. I also have a Shelly GAS sensor. Did you plan to integrate it? That would be really great :blush: Thanks for your great work. Markus

There is no information about Shelly Gas/i3/Button1 on the Shelly API page.
If you send me list of the topics and payloads that Shelly Gas sends, I will add support for it. You can also send me topics/payloads for i3 and Button1 to check that everything is OK in the script.

following the topics and payloads for the Shelly GAS

topic: shellies/shellygas-xxxxxx/sensor/operation payloads: normal,unknown,warmup
topic: shellies/shellygas-xxxxxx/sensor/gas payloads: none,test,...
topic: shellies/shellygas-xxxxxx/sensor/self_test payloads: completed,running, not_completed
topic: shellies/shellygas-xxxxxx/sensor/concentration payloads: -1, 0 ... 

When the Shelly GAS powered up it will make a warmup. In this situation the topic concentration delivers “-1”, topic operation “warmup” and topic self_test “not_completed”. When the GAS sensor is ready to work the topic operation switch to “normal” and topic concentration to “0” (if it’s 0 ;). The topic gas means if there is no gas detection the topics delivers “none”. The Shelly GAS supports a gas test. If the test runs the payload of topic gas switched to “test”. I haven’t tested which payload comes up when a real gas alarm is detected.
The topic’s and payloads of the Shelly button1 and i3 I will deliver later.

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Shelly button1

topic: shellies/shellybutton1-xxxxxxx/sensor/battery payloads: 0 ... 100
topic: shellies/shellybutton1-xxxxxxx/input_event/0 payloads: {"event":"S","event_cnt":1} events S=short press, SS=double press SSS=3times press, L=long press event_cnt 

So I thing the input/0 in your implementation should be input_event/0
See screenshot of my system

For Shelly i3 I have to unpack one of my shelly i3’s and connect it for a test. I will be deliver this later on :sweat_smile:

At the moment the input_event topic is completely useless because the device sends the last event periodically. So if we define binary_sensor for shortpush then HA will see this shortpush event every 30 seconds. I reported this issue on the FB group.
You can check if there are any additional topics when you connect Button1 to the USB power supply.

I checked it … there is no additional topic if I connect or disconnect the Button1 to the USB power supply. Only change is when I connect the power supply the topic online switched to true if the Button was before offline.

Can you confirm that the device sends periodically topic input_event when is USB powered?

Directly when I connect the Button1 to power supply than the devices sends this topic one times. After that only when I pressed the button. But it only sends this topic when the devices is connected to power supply. When I disconnected the Button1 from power supply it doesn’t sends this topic by pressing the button. Without power supply and pressing the button the device starts to glow blue and then briefly red without sending any topic.

New version: 0.24.0


  • add support for Shelly Gas
  • remove input sesnor for Shelly Button1
  • add shortpush, double_shortpush, triple_shortpush and longpush sensors for Shelly Button1
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Shelly Gas is great working :blush:

What about Button1?

the button is unfortunately not working. when I press the button with connected power supply ‘input_event’ sends as described above. Without power supply the Button1 sends nothing via MQTT when I pressed the button :roll_eyes: Which is also strange when I pressed the button without power supply the Button1 starts to glow blue and then briefly red. I want to check that in the manuell.

After upgrading to latest 24.1 and homeassistant restarting, im getting a lot of these in the log again:

No matching payload found for entity: Shelly RGBW2 661414 Overpower with state topic: shellies/shellyrgbw2-661414/color/0/status. Payload: False, with value template Template("{{value_json.overpower}}"

a rollback to version 23 gets rid of these errors

fixed with 24.2

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