Shellies Discovery Script

Thank you for this, I’m hoping it will help me, but I’m falling at the first hurdle. When I add the repository I get an error.

If I paste that into a browser I am taken to GitHub.

Why are you trying to add Shellies Discovery as a custom repository? It is a default repository:

When I search for it in HACS nothing is found.

Because Shellies Discovery is not an integration.

I found my error, as I search all of HACS but found nothing.

Shellies Discovery is a python script. Do you have python_script component enabled in the HA configuration?

That’s what I’ve just enabled. Added the entry to configuration.yaml and created the folder.

Only seeing this is HACS.

It’s there now, that box was already checked. I had to reboot HA twice after enabling the python_scripts. Thanks.

I’m sorry for all the questions, but I’m new to MQTT and I can’t seem to get this to work. I must be doing something wrong.

Where do the devices appear when they get discovered?

Configuration -> Integrations -> MQTT

That’s what I thought. Nothing…


How can I help you without any information?

Have you tried this?

What do you need to know? I have checked the troubleshooting. I think everything is correct.

Debug log

I added those but cannot see any entries.

  default: info
    pydeconz: debug
    homeassistant.components.deconz: debug
    pyShelly: debug
    homeassistant.components.python_script: debug
    homeassistant.components.automation: info

extract from my config.yaml

Shelly config (testing a single Shelly 2.5).


home assistant version


After restarting HA you should have information about announce in the log. I you don’t have it, than you don’t have the automations installed correctly.

Ok. But I don’t know what I have done wrong. I added python_script to config yaml, rebooted twice and then installed your script from HACS.


I’ve then added the logger entries and rebooted again (several times).

@Puntoboy first you have to check if your MQTT broker and MQTT integration in Home Assistant works fine. Then you have to install the Shellies Discovery Script automations correctly. You said that you are new with MQTT. Maybe your MQTT broker is not working correctly?