Shellies Discovery Script

Great, thank you very mutch! :slight_smile:

Hi there. Great script!

Am I getting it right that there is no support for:

  • Humidity from DHT22 sensor on the sensor expansion
  • Using the switch in “detached mode” as a binary sensor (if that makes sense).

Best regards
Brian Klausen

Hi and thanks for this great script. I wanted to ask if support for Shelly Door/Windows 2 is coming soon?

Thanks again for the script,

As soon as someone shares the topics and pyloads, I will add support.

Show me topics and payloads for ext sensors and I will add support.

This is supported.

Does this help:


Yes, thanks, unfortunately, this doesn’t fit the current script structure a bit. I have to think about how to solve this problem.

1 Like

New version: 0.26.0


  • add support for Shelly Door/Window 2

Thanks for the Shelly Door/Window 2 support.

Just wanted to say, that I found since 0.113 not all shellies were being discovered. Realised this is due to the changes to automations, so changed the Shelly Announce automation to Restart, and the Shellies Discovery automation to Queued with a sufficient queue size, and now it works perfectly again (the MQTT announce topics were triggering the automation a lot of times and the new HASS changes were stopping most of those from coming through, setting it to queue ensures none are lost)

Thanks for the great script

Look here

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Version 0.26.1 of the script supports external humidity sensor.

Sale time

The Shelly1 is celebrating it’s two year birthday this week, and so Shelly (the manufacturer) is having a sale on all products in their shop. You can get a 10% discount on all products listed in their shop, just use the code 2YShelly1 duing the checkout process.

Unfortunately I have no idea about shipping costs (Europe or US or ? ), but in general the products in the shop (directly) are mostly priced the same as with other sellers, so if you need something, go take a look, if you can save a buck or two. :slight_smile:

I am in no way affiliated with Shelly, nor do I get any money out of this! I just saw it, and thought someone maybe could need it, to save a little. In this uncertain times nobody wants to throw away money. :wink:

If this is against any forum rules, please delete this post.

Shelly firmware 1.8 is about to be released and there are some breaking changes.
Will it break your script as well, or is it ok to update as soon as it is released?
I have some problems with shellies dropping from the network which should be resolved in the 1.8 version.

Shelly Support says the changes will only affect CoAP. The script uses MQTT so probably nothing bad should happen but I can’t guarantee it.

Thanks for the info, I thought there would be no problems because of MQTT, but wanted to be sure.
Of course you cannot guarantee it, it’s IOT after all :slight_smile:

Reason for no guarantee is Shelly’s approach to documentation and developers. The documentation is usually very outdated, and there is no developer program. No one has even answered my questions on the FB group for several months. Perhaps I was asking too difficult questions :wink:

I’m having issues in Home Assistant with my Shelly duo’s (2) after the 1.8 update.
When I turn them on after a few seconds it looks like they are turned off in HA but they are still on. Sometimes after 2sec, sometimes after 10sec. Sometimes they go back to on in HA, sometimes not
 it looks like HA is not able to get the ‘on’ state properly from the shelly duo. Before the update I never had this issue

Any ideas how to fix this? Reboot didn’t help.

Without data from MQTT broker I can’t say anything.

Some Shellies after update firmware to version 1.8 send periodically shellies/<DEVICE_ID>/info topic with payload:

	"wifi_sta": {
		"connected": true,
		"ssid": "REDACTED",
		"ip": "REDACTED",
		"rssi": -68
	"cloud": {
		"enabled": false,
		"connected": false
	"mqtt": {
		"connected": true
	"time": "11:00",
	"unixtime": 1597316400,
	"serial": 6,
	"has_update": false,
	"mac": "REDACTED",
	"cfg_changed_cnt": 3,
	"actions_stats": {
		"skipped": 0
	"relays": [{
		"ison": false,
		"has_timer": false,
		"timer_started": 0,
		"timer_duration": 0,
		"timer_remaining": 0,
		"source": "mqtt"
	"meters": [{
		"power": 0.00,
		"is_valid": true
	"inputs": [{
		"input": 0,
		"event": "S",
		"event_cnt": 2
	"ext_sensors": {},
	"ext_temperature": {},
	"ext_humidity": {},
	"update": {
		"status": "idle",
		"has_update": false,
		"new_version": "20200812-090904/v1.8.0@8acf41b0",
		"old_version": "20200812-090904/v1.8.0@8acf41b0"
	"ram_total": 51112,
	"ram_free": 39516,
	"fs_size": 233681,
	"fs_free": 150098,
	"uptime": 72863

I’m not sure which devices send this topic. It seams that battery powered devices don’t send it. You can check that for me.

Devices for which I have confirmation that they are sending topic info:

  • Shelly 1
  • Shelly 1PM
  • Shelly 2
  • Shelly 2.5
  • Shelly Plug S
  • Shelly Dimmer 2
  • Shelly RGBW2

Based on the data from this topic, I’m going to add ssid, rssi, uptime sensors. What else may be useful?