Shellies Discovery Script

But I added only new supported model. I don’t edited automations.

I used copy-paste from the GH documentation so maybe I changed the automations. I’m not sure.

It’s now working anyway, thanks :slight_smile:

So I changed the automation after all. Copy-paste is sometimes a trap. This time it helped :slight_smile:

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I think line ‘1370’ should be “PL_1_0” instead of “PL_0_1”.


Yes, you’re right, thanks.

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Been battling this a few days and now at least i have some success.

I had to remove 2 lines in the automation to get it to run:
mode: queued
max: 999

Why is thos? iam kind of new to this…

at least then i get no error on automation, but i get theese lines

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/python_script/", line 194, in execute
    exec(compiled.code, restricted_globals, local)
  File "", line 440, in <module>
ValueError: Firmware version 20200612-144015/master@a3eeb1a1+ is not supported, please update your device shellydw2-D8BFC01A9237_robomow

and all shellies are updated…

But still no shellies in mqtt integration…

Probably your HA version is to old.

20200612-144015/master@a3eeb1a1+ is not supported because this is not version from official release channel.

Well this is wierd… when i tries to update it says my 0.103.6 is up to date… whats wrong now… need to do some reading i think…

Thanks anyway!

The current version of Home Assistant is 0.114.4 and the current version of the Shelly firmware is 1.8.3.

You can use this site to force Shelly to update firmware.

My shellys are updated last week, did it when i installed them so that part should work, but HA is a different matter… where iam not sure of why i cant update any longer…

But their firmware is out of date.

do i need some special firmware or is the one they suggest from their own upgrade sufficient?

20200827-065420/v1.8.3@4a8bc427 is a standard and official firmware. Any firmware without version numer e.g. 20200612-144015/master@a3eeb1a1 is a test/special release.

For some reason I’m unable to find the script in HACS. Or is it removed there?
Was able to install manually, and works like a charm! Thanks for your work on this!

You have to configure python_script component to install the script from HACS.

Ah thanks! I see now that HACS already recognizes my manual install, so I assume I will also get notifications of updates from HACS

Strange, that firmware is in my dw2 sensor by default…i have not changed it, only pushed update in the sensor.

Now i at least got it working with a never version of home assistant. Thanks for your help! Now its a shelly only matter.

Thank you for this script. I installed my first Shelly device yesterday and I was struggling to get it up and running with MQTT in HA for ages until I found this script.

I have followed your instructions to get it set up and I have the automations running in automations.yaml. I prefer to run my automations from Node Red and I can transfer them over but the only concern is the discovery script running in queued mode, do you know how to set this up in Node Red so that it will behave in the same way?


I don’t use NR so I don’t know.

No problem, thanks again