Shellies Discovery Script

Few questions from new user:

  1. About custom names; is there way for discovery script to use Device Name and/or Channel Name values from Shelly?

  2. After enabling mqtt in single shelly I can see it appearing on mosquitto devices with all the entities of it. However, all the entities are unavailable, until I manually reboot the shelly. Is this something normal? Is this only one time thing, or is there a risk that they become unavailable and requiring individual reboots, if there is power outage or something?

  3. As I’m slowly trying out all the possible ways to integrate shellies to Home Assistant, one confirmation from fellow users: official plugin uses http, shellyforhass coap and by hand or with the help of this script I can use mqtt… I assume mqtt has the best performance and is the most reliable out of these three?

No, Device/Channel names are not supported via MQTT.

Yes, this is normal and it only happens once when device is added to the HA. You can restart the device, restart HA or run announce automation.

Official integration uses CoAP multicast and http for few sensors. You have to decide what is best for you. I personally use MQTT even though I’m the co-codeowner of the official integration.

1 Like

After updating to 2012.12, I now get a message in my log saying ‘ValueError: Firmware dated 20201124 is required, please update your device shellydimmer2-40F52XXXXXXX’

However, there seems to be no firmware update available for the Shelly Dimmer 2.
There was for all my Shelly 1’s.
I can still control the Shelly dimmer however…

What firmware is your device using?

The web interface says this:

Current version: 20201007-085431/v1.8.5@5fbcbaa3
You have latest version of your device!

There is firmware 1.9.2 for Dimmer 2. Look here

Do i need to keep toggle switches on in the automations menu when I am done with configuration and adding shellies? What is going to happen if the toggles are on or off?


If you turn off the automations, some sensors will not be updated and no new devices will be discovered.

Thanks for the answer! I have another question.
If I want to set the QoS value, do I need to set it on the shelly and in the script, or it is enough to set it only on shelly, and the script will follow?
If I may ask, what is your preferred QoS value? I have about 20 shelly1 connected on Ubiquiti AP and HA running on RPI4 with SSD.

You have to set QoS in the Shelly and script configuration.


I am using Shelly 2.5 but connot get it to discover it as a roller. The problem seems with the naming of the switch in the automation file. I have the following:

- id: shellies_discovery
  alias: Shellies Discovery
  mode: queued
  max: 999
    platform: mqtt
    topic: shellies/announce
    service: python_script.shellies_discovery
      id: '{{ }}'
      mac: '{{ trigger.payload_json.mac }}'
      fw_ver: '{{ trigger.payload_json.fw_ver }}'
      model: '{{ trigger.payload_json.model }}'
        mode: roller
      - shelly1-B9DB18
      - shelly1-68A984
      - shelly1-B9CC73
      - shelly1-68B8E0
      - shelly1-68B8BB

I have set the mqtt prefix in the shelly 2.5 web interface to bf_hall_door

Can you please help

Please post debug log for python_script component.

Here a part of the log

2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-power/config 
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-energy/config 
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-power-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Power 1", "stat_t": "~relay/1/power", "unit_of_meas": "W", "val_tpl": "{{value|float|round(1)}}", "dev_cla": "power", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-relay-power-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-energy-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Energy 1", "stat_t": "~relay/1/energy", "unit_of_meas": "kWh", "val_tpl": "{{(value|float/60/1000)|round(2)}}", "dev_cla": "power", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-relay-energy-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-input-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Input 1", "stat_t": "~input/1", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-input-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "pl_on": "1", "pl_off": "0"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-longpush-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Longpush 1", "stat_t": "~longpush/1", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-longpush-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "off_dly": 2, "pl_on": "1", "pl_off": "0"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-shortpush-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Shortpush 1", "stat_t": "~longpush/1", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-shortpush-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "off_dly": 2, "pl_on": "0", "pl_off": "1"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-overpower-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Overpower 1", "stat_t": "~relay/1", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-overpower-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "val_tpl": "{%if value=='overpower'%}ON{%else%}OFF{%endif%}", "dev_cla": "problem", "json_attr_t": "~relay/1/overpower_value", "json_attr_tpl": "{{{'overpower_value':value}|tojson}}"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-temperature/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Temperature", "stat_t": "~temperature", "exp_aft": 43200, "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-temperature", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "unit_of_meas": "°C", "dev_cla": "temperature", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "val_tpl": "{{value|float|round(1)}}"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-rssi/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 RSSI", "stat_t": "~info", "exp_aft": 43200, "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-rssi", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "unit_of_meas": "dB", "dev_cla": "signal_strength", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "val_tpl": "{{value_json['wifi_sta'].rssi}}"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-ssid/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 SSID", "stat_t": "~info", "exp_aft": 43200, "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-ssid", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "val_tpl": "{{value_json['wifi_sta'].ssid}}", "icon": "mdi:wifi"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-uptime/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Uptime", "stat_t": "~info", "exp_aft": 43200, "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-uptime", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "dev_cla": "timestamp", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "val_tpl": "{{(as_timestamp(now())-value_json.uptime)|timestamp_local}}", "icon": "mdi:timer-outline"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-overtemperature/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Overtemperature", "stat_t": "~overtemperature", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-overtemperature", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "pl_on": "1", "pl_off": "0", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "dev_cla": "heat"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_40) [] Wrong configuration for FFKitchen_25_1
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_40) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/FFKitchen_25_1-firmware-update/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1 Firmware Update", "stat_t": "~info", "uniq_id": "ffkitchen_25_1-firmware-update", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9e343"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 FFKitchen_25_1", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20200827-065456/v1.8.3@4a8bc427", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/FFKitchen_25_1/", "val_tpl": "{%if value_json['update'].has_update==true%}ON{%else%}OFF{%endif%}", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "json_attr_t": "~info", "json_attr_tpl": "{{value_json['update']|tojson}}"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 INFO (SyncWorker_18) [homeassistant.components.python_script] Executing {'id': 'bf_hall_door', 'mac': '68C63AF9D753', 'fw_ver': '20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025', 'model': 'SHSW-25', 'bf_hall_door': {'mode': 'roller'}, 'BF_Diwaniya_Door': {'mode': 'roller'}, 'ignored_devices': ['shelly1-B9DB18', 'shelly1-68A984', 'shelly1-B9CC73', 'shelly1-68B8E0', 'shelly1-68B8BB']}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] dev_id: bf_hall_door, mac: 68c63af9d753, fw_ver: 20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025, model_id: SHSW-25
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/cover/bf_hall_door-roller-0/config 
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/switch/bf_hall_door-relay-0/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Relay 0", "cmd_t": "~relay/0/command", "stat_t": "~relay/0", "pl_off": "off", "pl_on": "on", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-relay-0", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/light/bf_hall_door-relay-0/config 
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/fan/bf_hall_door-relay-0/config 
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-power-0/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Power 0", "stat_t": "~relay/0/power", "unit_of_meas": "W", "val_tpl": "{{value|float|round(1)}}", "dev_cla": "power", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-relay-power-0", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-energy-0/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Energy 0", "stat_t": "~relay/0/energy", "unit_of_meas": "kWh", "val_tpl": "{{(value|float/60/1000)|round(2)}}", "dev_cla": "power", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-relay-energy-0", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-input-0/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Input 0", "stat_t": "~input/0", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-input-0", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "pl_on": "1", "pl_off": "0"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-longpush-0/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Longpush 0", "stat_t": "~longpush/0", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-longpush-0", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "off_dly": 2, "pl_on": "1", "pl_off": "0"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-shortpush-0/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Shortpush 0", "stat_t": "~longpush/0", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-shortpush-0", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "off_dly": 2, "pl_on": "0", "pl_off": "1"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-overpower-0/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Overpower 0", "stat_t": "~relay/0", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-overpower-0", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "val_tpl": "{%if value=='overpower'%}ON{%else%}OFF{%endif%}", "dev_cla": "problem", "json_attr_t": "~relay/0/overpower_value", "json_attr_tpl": "{{{'overpower_value':value}|tojson}}"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/switch/bf_hall_door-relay-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Relay 1", "cmd_t": "~relay/1/command", "stat_t": "~relay/1", "pl_off": "off", "pl_on": "on", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-relay-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/"}
2020-12-21 08:00:19 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/light/bf_hall_door-relay-1/config 
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/fan/bf_hall_door-relay-1/config 
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-power/config 
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-energy/config 
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-power-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Power 1", "stat_t": "~relay/1/power", "unit_of_meas": "W", "val_tpl": "{{value|float|round(1)}}", "dev_cla": "power", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-relay-power-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-energy-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Energy 1", "stat_t": "~relay/1/energy", "unit_of_meas": "kWh", "val_tpl": "{{(value|float/60/1000)|round(2)}}", "dev_cla": "power", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-relay-energy-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-input-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Input 1", "stat_t": "~input/1", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-input-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "pl_on": "1", "pl_off": "0"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-longpush-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Longpush 1", "stat_t": "~longpush/1", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-longpush-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "off_dly": 2, "pl_on": "1", "pl_off": "0"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-shortpush-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Shortpush 1", "stat_t": "~longpush/1", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-shortpush-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "off_dly": 2, "pl_on": "0", "pl_off": "1"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-overpower-1/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Overpower 1", "stat_t": "~relay/1", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-overpower-1", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "val_tpl": "{%if value=='overpower'%}ON{%else%}OFF{%endif%}", "dev_cla": "problem", "json_attr_t": "~relay/1/overpower_value", "json_attr_tpl": "{{{'overpower_value':value}|tojson}}"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-temperature/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Temperature", "stat_t": "~temperature", "exp_aft": 43200, "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-temperature", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "unit_of_meas": "°C", "dev_cla": "temperature", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "val_tpl": "{{value|float|round(1)}}"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-rssi/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door RSSI", "stat_t": "~info", "exp_aft": 43200, "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-rssi", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "unit_of_meas": "dB", "dev_cla": "signal_strength", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "val_tpl": "{{value_json['wifi_sta'].rssi}}"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-ssid/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door SSID", "stat_t": "~info", "exp_aft": 43200, "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-ssid", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "val_tpl": "{{value_json['wifi_sta'].ssid}}", "icon": "mdi:wifi"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/sensor/bf_hall_door-uptime/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Uptime", "stat_t": "~info", "exp_aft": 43200, "frc_upd": "False", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-uptime", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "dev_cla": "timestamp", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "val_tpl": "{{(as_timestamp(now())-value_json.uptime)|timestamp_local}}", "icon": "mdi:timer-outline"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-overtemperature/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Overtemperature", "stat_t": "~overtemperature", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-overtemperature", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "pl_on": "1", "pl_off": "0", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "dev_cla": "heat"}
2020-12-21 08:00:20 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [] Wrong configuration for bf_hall_door
2020-12-21 08:00:20 DEBUG (SyncWorker_18) [] Sending to MQTT broker: homeassistant/binary_sensor/bf_hall_door-firmware-update/config {"name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door Firmware Update", "stat_t": "~info", "uniq_id": "bf_hall_door-firmware-update", "qos": 0, "dev": {"ids": ["68c63af9d753"], "name": "Shelly 2.5 bf_hall_door", "mdl": "Shelly 2.5", "sw": "20201128-102046/v1.9.2@e83f7025", "mf": "Allterco Robotics"}, "~": "shellies/bf_hall_door/", "val_tpl": "{%if value_json['update'].has_update==true%}ON{%else%}OFF{%endif%}", "avty_t": "~online", "pl_avail": "true", "pl_not_avail": "false", "json_attr_t": "~info", "json_attr_tpl": "{{value_json['update']|tojson}}"}

Are you using current version of the script?

No this version is older from August maybe

So update the script.

Great it works now. I thought the update to get more feature. I did not realize that i need it to get it to work.

I need help on that. what does this mean? I have installed the automation Shellies Discovery Python Script in HACS
but what is the next step? I have restarted HA twice but the MQTT Explorer is not showing any additional topics.

Do you read the documentation?

which one?
More specifically, how can I

I can’t find it anywhere.