Shelly 1 flashed. now what?

i am at work now and dont have any Wifi network.
i flashed the S1 with the official fw and tasmota again and again but stilll no AP named Sonoff.
can you confirm if the AP appears if i connect the S1 to a PC through the serial/usb adapter?

or must i connect the S1 to my light switch for the AP to appear?

If you issued the backlog command with the correct ssid and password, no AP will appear. An AP appears for the first configuration ( to set up the ssid and password ), but you have done that with the backlog command over the serial connection. So now your Shelly should be visible on your network, and you can set it up as a Shelly, configure mqtt etc.

at home, i typed in Termite:
Backlog ssid1 tmv2; password1 pass12345
then used Advanced IP Scanner to look for the S1. i dont see it. i even flashed it with the original fw from Shelly and still nothing.
looks like i received 2 defective units. what are the chances of that???

at least i was able to flash another nodeMCU unit for another project using your recommended NodeMCU-PyFlasher-4.0-x64.exe
thanks for your time. really appreciate it!

Possible but doubtful.

i have this serial usb adapter
for whatever reason i cannot flash 2 Shelly One, and 2 Sonoff RF bridge. after flashing, i dont see the Sonoff ssid.
im thinking i got 5 bad usb adapter or something. even so, why would FlashESP8266.exe or NodeMCU-PyFlasher-4.0-x64.exe showed 100% and “flash complete”

You do pull out your usb adapter after flashing and put it back in without connecting gpio0 ? The AP only shows after powering up again, other-ways it stays in flash mode.

yes, gpio0 disconnected when i put usb adapter back in.
let me try another serial-usb adapter. what do you recommend?

One possibility is the FTDI-adapter does give enough power to flash your devices, but not enough to let them connect to Wifi (an esp8266 uses a lot of power when connecting). You can check that out using another way of powering them (connect your shellies to main, connect your rf bridges with an usb-adapter)

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yes, i connect the sonoff rf bridge to micro usb adapter to a phone charger. still no ssid.
i will get and try this serial usb adpater next.

Thanks! I was having issues using esptool and flashesp8266 and my Shelly 2.5s
NodemcuPyflasher worked perfectly. Might be due to the erase first.

im happy to say this USB-serial adapter works.
after flashing, i see the sonoff ssid instantly. i didnt even need to disconnect the shelly nor pull the gpio0 out.