Shelly 1L No Neutral 3 Way?

Hi all, can a Shelly 1L do a 3 way switch config with no neutral? I’ve heard that you can install it in the light itself but I’m not positive how I’d do that, and couldn’t find any good diagrams. My setup is 1 switch at the top of the stairs and one in the garage that connect to 2 different lights. One is a single bulb in the basement stairway and the other is a fluorescent panel in the drop ceiling in the basement.

Is this possible?

Does anybody know?

This is the way.

The 1L isn’t UL certified though is it? I don’t really want to put that in my wall. Is there a way to use a Shelly near the bulbs where there is a neutral?

Actually they are coming out with another model that is better shortly - hopefully that one will be :slight_smile: