Shelly 2 as roller shutter with percentage

I was looking to use my shelly 2.5 as roller shutter with percentage (just as this topic) and managed to find a more straightforward way to do so:

1- Configure my shelly 2.5 as roller shutter in the Shelly app
2- Use the Shelly integration of Home Assistant
3- With the developper tool (States) find the entities associated with my Shelly 2.5:

  • indicates current consumption
  • for controling the relays to open and close the shutter
  • --> this is the one we want for rolling shutter or garage door

4- In Lovelace-ui I use the HACS custom component slider-entity-row :slight_smile:

entity: cover.shelly_shsw_25_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
icon: 'mdi:blinds'
name: Volet cuisine
type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = YourShellyDeviceID

And that’s pretty much all there is to do !

EDIT :wink:
I complete this post with additional features that may help to go further:


@MarcALE is it working for you in the latest version 0.117.5 of HA ?

I don’t see any slider in front of Roller :frowning: ?

Any idea why ?

I installed it via HACS and that’s all

Thank you

Edit: I got it. It’s my bad sorry … I forgot on the shelly to setup the calibration mode :slight_smile:

It is still working fine.
I am glad you found the solution.

Just in case someone else is looking for the same subject, here is my config:

can somebody confirm connection issues like @Michael_Roxin mentioned … ?

i was just about to order a dozen shellys… but seems that HA is not ready yet ?

  • Sliders not out of the box
  • connectivity issues / complete loss after HA update
  • interface options from shelly not yet in HA available?

would you guys still recommend shellys anyway - in use with HA?


Does somebody made a blueprint for this topic yet ?

I can answer on points 2 and 3 with confidence: I have no any connection issues (but heard there are some - recently Shelly is working hard on debugging the rootcause). And since I have all my shellies connected via mqtt (without even autodiscover) I have full control over all shelly features being able to work with them as I want (not as in-the-middle-layer force me to).

As of point 1, cannot say for sure since I have only one motorized window (powered by Shelly 2.5) so no enough exoerience to know all possible use-cases

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Thanks!!! it was very straightforward :slight_smile:

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I only experienced issues with my Shellies once, when Shelly was pushing some major firmware updates. It did not last long, and once the fimware was updated, everything was back to normal. Apparently there won’t be some major changes from Shelly like this one in the future.

Sliders are not “out of the box” in HA, but it is very easy to implement them. And I am pretty confident that they will update Lovealce cards in the future to integrate them.

As far as everyday use is concerned, I do not miss any Shelly option in HA.

I can only recommend the duo “Shelly + HA” in termes of ease and reliability.

+1 , would be great to have a blueprint for this

Hi Guys; New at OA and reading and learning a lot. Can anyone help in creating a scenario to close all shutters and open? Currently I have all the shutters working more or less as I want. The idea would be to create a scenario to close all the house or only part of the house and open of course.

The code is this:

type: entities

  • entity: cover.shelly_shsw_25_3c6105e5bc51
    name: WC R/C
    icon: ‘mdi:blinds’
  • type: ‘custom:slider-entity-row’
    entity: cover.shelly_shsw_25_3c6105e5bc51
    full_row: true
    title: WC R/C
    state_color: true
    show_header_toggle: false

thanks in advance

other photo …


I suggest the following :

  1. Create some groups with the shutters you want to open/close at once (Group - Home Assistant):

  2. You can call services on groups :

service: cover.set_cover_position 
  position: 90 #Position in %
  entity_id: group.volets_maison #Replace by your group name

Please note that multiple services are available, you may use the DevTools to help you find the right one for your need:

3. Create automations
It is now just a matter of using automations (or blueprints) or scenes to create your scenarii .

Alternatively, if your automations are mostly time based or sun based, I may suggest you use the HACS integration scheduler-component by @nielsfaber and the frontend Scheduler Card by the same author.

4. Lovelace integration
When you integrate the group as an entity in lovelace UI you get a summary

When you click on it you get a very interesting summary.

5. Voice assistant integration
The name you use for the group may be called in your voice assistant (Alexa / Google Assistant…) integration with all the possible services (“open” / “close” / “open to n%”…) it may recognize.

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Blueprints are (until today) only for automations, here we are talking about showing sliders in Lovelace UI.

maybe wrong section but ok :wink:

i got two shellies 2.5 for shutter, the windows are next to each other, but i got just one physical switch to open or close, i want to use this for both.
so if i open or close shutter with the physical switch it should operate both windows.
think should be workable with a template, but i am not that template guy, any1 can help out please?

I don’t understand your issue…

  1. Yes, you can connect one single physical switch to multiple Shelly 2.5s. This should result in all connected roller shutters being triggered by each of their Shelly’s at the same time, when the switch is pressed.
  2. In Home Assistant each roller shutter of course is a single instance. If you want to control them all at once just like you do with the physical switch, then you can create a cover group and control all roller shutters simultaneously via the group. No need for a template.

thanks for answering!

  1. the swhitch is just connected to one shelly, the shelly of the other window is just connected to the motor.

  2. well noted the group idea, but that just did the trick within HA not when operation the physical switch

I think it must be like something ,to copy the state from one and write it to the other shelly and reversed

I already got somethink like this working in the bedroom, when switching on one light the other light goes on also

  - platform: state
    - light.licht_schlafzimmer_decke
    - light.licht_schlafzimmer_spots
    service_template: '{% if trigger.to_state.state == "on" %} homeassistant.turn_on
      {% elif trigger.to_state.state == "off" %} homeassistant.turn_off {% endif %}

    - light.licht_schlafzimmer_decke
    - light.licht_schlafzimmer_spots

Ah, understood. I would recommend to configure the shelly 2.5 connected to the physical switch into relay mode, instead of roller shutter mode, this way you will be able to generate the click events in detached mode.
The automation to connect both devices could be something like this:

  ## Open Living Room Shutters
- alias: Shutters - Open Livingroom
  id: 'shutters_open_livingroom'
    platform: event
      device: shellyi25-CAFFEAFFE #Shelly 2.5 Taster
      channel: 1 #Up/Open
      click_type: single

  - choose:
    - conditions:
      - {{ states('cover.livingroom_left') in ['open', 'closed'] }}
      sequence: # open covers
        - service: cover.open_cover
          entity_id: :
          - cover.livingroom_left
          - cover.livingroom_right
    default: # stop covers
      - service: cover.stop_cover
        - cover.livingroom_left
        - cover.livingroom_right  

  ## Close Living Room Shutters
- alias: Shutters -Close Livingroom
  id: 'shutters_close_livingroom'
    platform: event
      device: shellyi25-CAFFEAFFE #Shelly 2.5 Taster
      channel: 2 #Down/Close
      click_type: single

  - choose:
    - conditions:
      - {{ states('cover.livingroom_left') in ['open', 'closed'] }}
      sequence: # close covers
        - service: cover.close_cover
          entity_id: :
          - cover.livingroom_left
          - cover.livingroom_right
    default: # stop covers
      - service: cover.stop_cover
        - cover.livingroom_left
        - cover.livingroom_right

If you want to make use of the other clicktypes (long click, double click aso) you may want to look into this blueprint.

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Thanks will try it tomorrow, is this gonna work even when one side closes maybe to just 60% or is it just open or closed?