Looking at getting some WiFi sensors to measure temperature primarily. Thinking of the Shelly H&T, are their any alternatives people would recommend?
I’ve tried the Shelly H&T - The battery is very pricey and I found they only last about a month - I’ve moved on to ZigBee.
I am not aware of other WiFi Temp sensors (though there must be more) - sorry!
Ok, i was thinking of powering this via the USB cable.
I found that the batteries lasted longer than a month, but not as long as the year Shelly suggests. Using the USB base resulted in intermittent connections for me. Those woes were described here: Trouble with Shelly H&T USB power.
My advice: try batteries first.
Since I have also Zigbee I switched to zigbee sensors
Thanks Nanobra1n. I assume when you say USB base you just plugged it into a External USB power supply?
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