Shelly TRV mqtt configuration and lovelace configuration

Živijo, kje si nabavil Shelly TRV termostat. :slight_smile: V Slo trenutno ni na voljo.


Hi where did you buy Shelly TRV valve.


Preorder on official Shelly Cloud shop …

Pri nas tudi ko bo bo cena čisto preveč zasoljena… :wink:

Na (trgovino imajo v Trzinu) je cena 73€, samo trenutno ni na zalogi. Hvala za hiter odgovor.

Thx for quick replay.

Preorder je bil 59 eur z vključenim jamstvom da lahko v 1 letu vrneš zadevo ne glede na to ali si jo sam pokvaril…
V Trzinu redno jemljem (Gladek), vendar nima jamstvenih scen na voljo… cena pa je malo dražja… drugače pa za ke pa sem čisto OK…

Hvala za info že kupujem.

How did you fix the problem? I cannot make it work at all!

The problem was in password. When I entered password for MQTT somehow was not correct. Then I disable all functions. Save it. Make reboot. Enable back MQTT and write password again via Chrome and then it started working. Also I disable Shelly Cloud.

Thanks, it still not works though I’ll have to figure out what am I doing wrong

Oh… I forgot to tell that I connect TRV to WiFi 2.4GHz… so… I have UniFi and I set another SSID which is only 2.4GHz, and now the network stability after 10 days is 100%, before TRV was online/offline many times…

Yes I have the same settings

Question. I have bought one TRV valve for testing purposes. It works fine in principle, but I have one big problem. The device goes to sleep every 5 minutes. Is it possible to bypass this behavior? I guess this is due to battery saving or …? Do you have the same experience with your valves? I can track when the device is online (device tracker) and run automations then, but it’s kind of clumsy. Also I can change the temperature just when the device is online.

Have try this via native Shelly and mqtt integration. Same result.


Similar behaive, but not so many timeouts…

But overal it’s working… considering only how it’s handling my last received temperature and which temperature do consider TRV to take in case of offline situation.

Does the shelly TRV report valve position? What about battery replacement - any chance?

Regarding valve position… No, I do not get it… value is allways 0.

Battery - I got this info:

So, automation will notify me when it is time to re-fill battery…

Valve position can be easily read:

     platform: mqtt
     name: trv0_valve
     state_topic: 'shellies/trv0/info'
     value_template: '{{ value_json.thermostats[0].pos }}'   
     unique_id: trv0_valve
     unit_of_measurement: '%'

Hi, i seem to be on same painful journey as you :smiley:

I have shelly TRV Wifi (Gen1) its linked to HA however there is no entities, Could you help what am i missing here?

Reading this thread i am getting sense of MQTT not required and you ended up using integration shelly.


As this topic is still very frequently viewed: Best way to autodiscover Gen1 Shelly Devices is:

Have you read the documentation? Shelly - Home Assistant

After having massive issues with battery draining super fast on COIOT decided to try out MQTT integration. You guys gave me great starting point so I decided to share full configuration that mostly mimics official shelly integration. Didn’t need valve control so I’m using sensor, and don’t need mode control on thermostat since valve does not actually have one it’s just using temperature control.

  - sensor:
      name: TRV PC Valve Position
      state_topic: "shellies/shellytrv-pc/info"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.thermostats[0].pos }}"
      unique_id: trv_pc_valve_position
      unit_of_measurement: "%"
  - sensor:
      name: TRV PC Battery
      state_topic: "shellies/shellytrv-pc/info"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.bat.value }}"
      unique_id: trv_pc_battery
      device_class: battery
      unit_of_measurement: "%"
  - sensor:
      name: TRV PC Temperature
      state_topic: "shellies/shellytrv-pc/info"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.thermostats[0].tmp.value }}"
      device_class: temperature
      unique_id: trv_pc_temperature
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
  - climate:
      name: "TRV PC"
      unique_id: trv_pc
      min_temp: 4
      max_temp: 31
      temp_step: 0.5
          - off
          - heat
      mode_state_topic: shellies/shellytrv-pc/info
      mode_state_template: "{% if value_json.thermostats[0].tmp.value > 4 -%}heat{%- else -%}off{%- endif %}"
      action_topic: shellies/shellytrv-pc/info
      action_template: "{% if value_json.thermostats[0].tmp.value < value_json.thermostats[0].target_t.value -%}heating{%- else -%}idle{%- endif %}"
      current_temperature_topic: shellies/shellytrv-pc/info
      current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json.thermostats[0].tmp.value }}"
      temperature_command_topic: shellies/shellytrv-pc/thermostat/0/command/target_t

You can use Shellies Discovery and you will get much more entities.