Shelly Wall Display with other devices

Hello everyone,
Firstly, although it’s been quite a while since I’m using Home Assistant, I’m still not quite sure how to get this through.
I would like to check if someone has experience with Shelly Wall Displays and using it with other devices than made-by-Shelly. I’ve also checked this and this german video and they’re both great sources of information.
I’m not afraid of trying to hack the device but I want to keep the setup as simple as possible. For instance I’d like to add buttons already available in my HA setup and use them on my wall display or something similar.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

There are much better choices.

Not much of a help… Do you have any examples?

A good device is this one

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This is great actually, thanks a bunch!

No problem, that first post was just before I went to sleep last night, sorry it wasn’t that helpful.

No worries, still much appreciated!

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There is a way on Shelly Wall Display to work with other devices as well as add 2 other options.
So long press on tile that you have on your display and you should see the options to add other devices within your account.
There is also option to add scenes, weather condition and 2 hours forecast, musing (internet radio with thousands stations)

Another way is to slide from top border to the bottom - a new menu will show up on top bar

Thanks for the check-in!
I’ve also seen that there are actually a bunch of features already built in, still trying to work most of the stuff out.
I’ve also done some research and testing and for the latest firmware updates (not sure which one anymore) it allows custom scripts and buttons that can also do HTTP requests. Documentation doesn’t seem half that bad to be fairly honest. I’m going to try some more and keep you posted.