I have an action that takes time to complete. However, it contains a time delay of 2 min and mode: restart
. I managed to add a trigger button to activate the action on my dashboard, but how do I display the status of an action? Basically, I need to know if it is currently running or not
AFAIK, there is no way to know that a specific action step in an automation is running.
But I’m pretty sure that you can tell that the automation itself is running based on an attribute of the automation that shows how many instances of the automation there are currently. I don’t remember what that the attribute is and I’m not in a place that I can access my HA instance but you can look at the automation entity in the dev tools states tab and find the info there.
Not 100% reliable method in case of HA restart during automation run, but you can create the input_boolean helper and set it to on as the first step of your automation an to aff as the last… This way state of this helper will show you automation is in progress.
You could display all automations that are currently running in a markdown card:
type: markdown
content: >
{{ states.automation | selectattr('attributes.current', 'gt', 0) |
map(attribute='name') | join('\n') }}
or use something like this:
WTH cant I see which automations are “in-process” - Month of “What the heck?!” - Home Assistant Community
But, just as @finity wrote, neither approach will show you, though, which step the automation is currently at.