Show number of Devices and Entities

Can we improve the Devices and Entities pages in Devices and Services? In particular, what I’d love to have is a count of my devices and entities, filtered by ANY of the columns in the tables, like, for example, by Integration, Area, or even Status. We could specify a column using something like area: or integration: as a prefix in the search bar, so that I could enter something like area:kitchen and see a list of everything in the kitchen. We could combine filters, so that area:kitchen,integration:sensor to see every sensor in the kitchen.

The final piece of this, though, is that someone on the page there is a COUNT of the number of items listed per the filter. So, in the above example, I could see that I have 15 sensors in the kitchen.

A count would be useful. Also, don’t forget to vote for your own suggestion!

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maybe a workaround for this is counting a group?
i thought maybe a group of kitchen with all devices then count all on/offs

but will be a pain in the ass group every devices in separated areas, dont know if this should work.

Use a template ??

You could widen them to specify filters etc…

automation: 40
binary_sensor: 38
button: 6
camera: 3
climate: 7
device_tracker: 5
fan: 2
group: 6
input_boolean: 2
input_text: 2
light: 24
media_player: 22
number: 3
person: 3
remote: 1
scene: 4
select: 3
sensor: 240
sun: 1
switch: 15
update: 17
weather: 2
zone: 4

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That work for you?

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@Sir_Goodenough, also, very nice. I’ve created those templates and created a card for them.

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