Show off your picture-elements uses

@ElGrande72 & @Abeksis
All code is contained in my repo I am OS atm but will add more updates in September.


very nice!
how to get the dark border at the base of the pictures in the picture-elements cards ?

You make it yourself on the actual background picture, or you could use a transparent strip image as another element in the picture element, its up to you!

I made it myself using paint, the easiest way would be to use the image in a picture glance card and take a screen shot of that then use that as your background image :slight_smile:

My Lovelace for Mi Flora


My living room setup with Pi element to select the source so logo of source suits what’s playing. Eg kodi ps4 Xbox live tv netflix


Could you share your code regarding TV remote (numbers) interface.



this is my approach to picture-elements:

All values are generated by Netatmo sensors.
Darker background under icons is realized with Photoshop.
My inspiration: :wink:

Edit: updated screenshot

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Thank you for your reply. Last night I figured out this and implemented Harmony remote using picture-elements.

Here is the post.

Started to fiddle around with lovelace and wanted to share an image on how versatile the picture-elements card is for putting in a lot of information on a small footprint.

Here is “state cards” for me and my wife.
It’s really nice to be able to have multiple “layers” of images to mimic diffrent states.

Lovelace code for one of the cards:

id: home
title: Home
  - type: picture-elements
    image: /local/ll_matte_home.png
      - style:
          top: 50%
          left: 50%
          width: 100%
        type: image
        entity: input_select.matte_home_status
          "Home": /local/ll_matte_home.png
          "Just Arrived": /local/ll_matte_home.png
          "Away": /local/ll_matte_not_home.png
          "Just Left": /local/ll_matte_not_home.png
          "Extended Away": /local/ll_matte_not_home.png
      - style:
          top: 50%
          left: 50%
          width: 100%
        type: image
        entity: input_boolean.matte_charging
          "on": /local/ll_status_charging1.png
          "off": /local/ll_status_blank.png
      - style:
          color: white
          top: 9%
          left: 12%
        type: state-icon
        entity: sensor.matte_battery
      - style:
          color: white
          top: 92%
          left: 50%
        type: state-label
        entity: sensor.matte_presence
      - style:
          color: white
          top: 10%
          left: 89%
        type: state-label
        entity: sensor.matte_battery
      - style:
          color: white
          top: 73%
          left: 88%
        type: state-label
        entity: proximity.home_matte
      - style:
          color: white
          top: 73%
          left: 12%
        type: state-label
        entity: sensor.matte_hem

Thanks for sharing! That one is great Copying straight away

That’s quite interesting, Thanks for sharing!

Would you mind also share the configuration for input_boolean.matte_charging and the battery images?

Also, for the proximity, did you had to create one per-person for the home zone? I guess so unless I am doing something wrong, if I set one proximity for home with both device track it just provides the closest one, not both, so presumambly (well, this is what I did), you need to create a proximity entity per persone for the “home” zone, right?

Cheers :slight_smile:

Im using tasker and webhook to update my charging status.

Tasker setup

Yaml setup

## Webhooks
## Automations
  - alias: 'Webhook Call Input_boolean'
    initial_state: 'on'
      platform: webhook
      webhook_id: input_boolean_webhook_publish
      service_template: '{{ trigger.json.service }}'
        entity_id: '{{ trigger.json.entity }}'
## Input_boolean
  matte_charging: # Controlled from tasker on phone
    name: Matte Laddar

For my wife i get the charging status from my “Google Maps Location Sharing” device_tracker.
(a bit slower to detect status, but i dont have to install or setup anything on her phone.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Åsa laddar gmaps"
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('device_tracker.google_maps_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'battery_charging') }}"

The Battery icon comes from using the “custom component” battery_alert.yaml from

And the circle with gradient color is just a transparent .png file with the same size as the background images and the circle placed where the “hole” is.

And for proximity i have this:

## Proximity
    zone: home
      - sensor.matte_presence
    tolerance: 50
    unit_of_measurement: km
    zone: home
      - sensor.asa_presence
    tolerance: 50
    unit_of_measurement: km
    zone: home
      - sensor.cod_presence
    tolerance: 50
    unit_of_measurement: km

Thank you very much for sharing that :slight_smile:
Especially the Tasker config, I have bought it and I need to study it a bit :slight_smile:
Regarding the proximity I can see you’re doing exactly as me, but isn’t 50km tolerance a little too high? :smiley:
I did put in meters with 25 of tolerance :smiley:


I think the tolerance value is in meters.

(integer)(Optional)The tolerance used to calculate the direction of travel in meters (m) to filter out small GPS coordinate changes.

The unit_of_measurement i think is only for the reported state.

Oh okay :smiley:
Make more sense like this :slight_smile:

Also for the presence you use tasker?

No, i use 3 diffrent components for presence.
“Gps” = Google Maps Location Sharing (HA Component)
“Bluetooth” = (Project running on separate Pi)
“Wifi” = IFTTT Webhooks for my FINGBox (FingBox and IFTTT (Official Support))

And right now im testing out the hassio addon “A Better Presence” from here to tie them all together.

I have used tasker for presence, sending gps, battery, and lots of data earlier, but it was quite battery draining back then.
Nowdays with webhooks i guess it would be a lot easier to setup in tasker, but right now i think these 3 is working good enough for me.


I see,
I am using namp ping and life360 but I am not having valid results.
Also I am not using but Home Assistant so I cannot use/test that plugin unfortunately.

That’s annoying :confused:
Anyway, thanks for the info!

If you have a spare Raspberry Pi (even pi zero) you should really look into the “Monitor” project i use.

it works really fine and have improve my presence by far.


I guess I need to fix my Wifi/Bluetooth on my Pi3 first because for some reason isnt working anymore )

Thanks for that :slight_smile: