Sigh - this is what happens when you have too much fun with HA - washing machine


@jimz011 willing to share these pics?

Get them from my repo (link in previous post). Choose any branch and find them in the www folder.

thx a lot mate
can i ask also what you do with the dog in ha?

Haha, yeah, I have a Tile bluetooth tracker. It can show me where it was last seen (it connects through our phones). It is not very accurate, but accurate enough to have the alarm be set automatically.

If the dog is home (and we are not) the alarm will turn on, but it will only trigger on door/window sensors.
If the dog is not home (and we are not either) the alarm will turn on, and will trigger on both door/window sensors and motion sensors.

I also use check-button-card to check when the dog was brushed the last time, or when the dog had its flee drops and such.

Cool, great idea for the check button card,
Have some ideas for it, can i see the page/view of the dog anywhere?

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Check here

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thanks !!!

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I need help please.

I downloaded the files from a website!AMwDkgmuVvtQAMo&id=BA135AD440901B77!499&cid=BA135AD440901B77

But after I enter the code I have a message

"UI editor is not supported for this config:

No visual editor available for: picture-elements

You can still edit your config in yaml. "

How to deal with the problem


Hi @yuval221183

This example is maybe a bit advanced, if you haven’t tried editing yaml before. It’s rather complex.

The editor says it quite well, to create this card, you have to edit the yaml code, you can’t do it with the visual editor (yet).

I have updated the code since then:


  - elements:
      - entity: sensor.dryer_wifi_signal
          color: black
          font-size: 0.7em
          left: 65%
          top: 79%
        type: state-label
      - icon: 'mdi:wifi'
          color: black
          left: 54%
          top: 79%
        type: icon
      - entity: light.dryer_blue_led
        icon: 'mdi:lightbulb'
          '--paper-item-icon-active-color': blue
          left: 75%
          top: 78%
        type: state-icon
      - entity: sensor.dryer_power
          color: black
          font-size: 0.7em
          left: 35%
          top: 75%
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.dryer_voltage
          color: black
          font-size: 0.7em
          left: 27%
          top: 83%
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.dryer_current
          color: black
          font-size: 0.7em
          left: 32%
          top: 79%
        type: state-label
      - conditions:
          - entity: binary_sensor.dryer_running
            state: 'off'
          - entity: sensor.time
              color: yellow
              left: 67%
              top: 12%
            type: state-label
        type: conditional
      - entity: binary_sensor.dryer_running
          'on': /local/images/washer-animated2.gif
          clip-path: circle(41% at center)
          left: 50%
          top: 47%
          action: toggle
        type: image
    image: /local/images/aeg-dryer.png
    type: picture-elements
  - elements:
      - entity: sensor.washer_wifi_signal
          color: black
          font-size: 0.7em
          left: 65%
          top: 79%
        type: state-label
      - icon: 'mdi:wifi'
          color: black
          left: 54%
          top: 79%
        type: icon
      - entity: light.washer_blue_led
        icon: 'mdi:lightbulb'
          '--paper-item-icon-active-color': blue
          left: 75%
          top: 79%
        type: state-icon
      - entity: sensor.washer_power
          color: black
          font-size: 0.7em
          left: 35%
          top: 75%
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.washer_voltage
          color: black
          font-size: 0.7em
          left: 27%
          top: 83%
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.washer_current
          color: black
          font-size: 0.7em
          left: 32%
          top: 79%
        type: state-label
      - conditions:
          - entity: binary_sensor.washer_running
            state: 'off'
          - entity: sensor.time
              color: yellow
              left: 67%
              top: 12%
            type: state-label
        type: conditional
      - entity: binary_sensor.washer_running
          'on': /local/images/washer-animated2.gif
          clip-path: circle(40% at center)
          left: 50%
          top: 47%
          action: toggle
        type: image
    image: /local/images/aeg-washer.png
    type: picture-elements
type: horizontal-stack

The code relies on a couple of images, and quite a lot of sensors.
The sensors are

  • ‘is machine active’ (blue led).
  • Wifi strength of the sonoff controlling the power to the machine
  • Powerusage
  • Total powerusage for today
  • Voltage.

All these are delivered by a SONOFF POW2, that I’ve reprogrammed with ESPHome.

So it’s a rather intricate setup.
I’ve placed the cards in a horizontal card for space management. That’s the first, outer, structure of this.

If you are starting out with this, you need to understand the picture-elements card.
This allows you to place an image in the ‘background’ and then place objects on top of it.
Each of the ‘- entity’ in the code above, is an object.
So f.ex.

      - entity: sensor.dryer_wifi_signal
          color: black
          font-size: 0.7em
          left: 65%
          top: 79%
        type: state-label

is an object.

Each of these objects can be added or removed independantly, so you can add just the elements you want. The ‘left’ and ‘top’ values determine the placement of the object relative to the background image.

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hi I am new to HA and I try to learn as much as I can.I have made a washing machine project but I can’t make it show the remaining time, maybe someone here can help me out!

here is the ´card:

type: picture-elements
  - entity: sensor.ene_pow
      left: 88%
      top: 18.5%
      font-size: 27px
    type: state-label
  - type: conditional
      - entity: switch.sp3s_16a_switch
        state: 'on'
      - type: state-label
        entity: timer.test
          color: yellow
          left: 77%
          top: 7%
          font-size: 33px
          theme: ios-dark-mode-red
      - type: state-label
        entity: input_select.state_washingmachine
          color: yellow
          left: 50%
          top: 45%
          font-size: 40px
image: /local/images/masina spalat/masina spalat mama.jpg

the most I could do was this using the state-badge for the timer

type: picture-elements
  - entity: sensor.ene_pow
      left: 88%
      top: 18.5%
      font-size: 27px
    type: state-label
  - type: conditional
      - entity: switch.sp3s_16a_switch
        state: 'on'
      - type: state-badge
        entity: timer.test
          color: transparent
          left: 77%
          top: .1%
          font-size: 55px
          theme: ios-dark-mode-red
      - type: state-label
        entity: input_select.state_washingmachine
          color: yellow
          left: 50%
          top: 45%
          font-size: 40px
image: /local/images/masina spalat/masina spalat mama.jpg

any thoughts ?

to specify, I want the remaining time to be shown on the top black window, but all it show is just ACTIVE not the countdown timer, as shown on the card Washing Machine Plug,bottom right.