Simple automation doesn't trigger

Except the example you posted does not logically OR all three Time Conditions.

Move the first Time Condition to where the other two are so all three are defined under condition: or.

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Stupid of mine…distraction. Now i think is wright.

- id: '1625524784081'
  alias: Estores - Fechar (VerĂŁo)
  description: ''
  - type: temperature
    platform: device
    device_id: 93d20bab264211b2b80b8621b2105d85
    entity_id: sensor.temperature_158d00056e4ed5
    domain: sensor
    above: 23
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - platform: time
    at: '9:31'
  - condition: or
    - condition: time
      after: '10:30'
      before: '21:00'
      - sat
      - sun
    - condition: time
      after: '9:30'
      before: '13:30'
      - thu
    - condition: time
      - mon
      - tue
      - wed
      - fri
      after: '9:30'
      before: '21:00'
  - condition: and
    - type: is_temperature
      condition: device
      device_id: 93d20bab264211b2b80b8621b2105d85
      entity_id: sensor.temperature_158d00056e4ed5
      domain: sensor
      above: 23
    - condition: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.dif_temp_out_in
      above: '-2'
  - device_id: ba8506c6ab7179834351692c0402b3a6
    domain: cover
    entity_id: cover.shellyswitch25_8caab505897a
    type: set_position
    position: 30
  - device_id: cf9c73e41233e6d800d229ee6fafcd39
    domain: cover
    entity_id: cover.shellyswitch25_8caab54b84e7
    type: set_position
    position: 30
  mode: single

All three Time Conditions are now logically ORed so that should work the way you expect.

However, I hope you realize that the automation will not execute the action on Saturday and Sunday when it triggers are 09:31. That’s because your Time Condition for those two days has a time range starting at 10:30.

The original requirement was just one Time Condition whose time range is 09:30 to 21:00. That’s why the Time Trigger was set at 09:31. However, the automation has evolved and has another Time Condition with a different time range. A quick fix is to change the Time Trigger to this:

  - platform: time
    - '09:31:00'
    - '10:31:00'

Great point! Thank you soo much for your attention! Really good. Corrected.

One more note:
I also needed to put the DT variable as a trigger

Thank you soo much for all the help!

You’re welcome!

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