Simple automation for email action integration not found

Hi there,
I am creating my first automation (simple state change to action email notification) but no matter what I do when I go to save it gives me this error.

Message malformed: Integration ‘’ not found

Is this a known bug?

HassOS 4.11
Version 229

Please post your (properly formatted - see point 11) automation configuration.

This is the problem since I am operating from the UI and it doesn’t save it , so I can’t show how the config looks like.
Should I take screenshots instead?

Sorry I cant help you with the UI, I dont use it. Hopefully someone else will be able to offer some assistance.

Yes a screen shot would be helpful.

You can drag and drop them directly into your reply.

I don’t want I did differently today but it worked and this was saved in the YAML file:

- id: '1596732058363'
  alias: Digoo Keyfob
  description: ''
  - entity_id: switch.digoo_alarm
    from: 'Off'
    platform: state
    to: 'On'
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: digoo
      title: office was armed
    service: notify.autobot_gmail
  mode: single

I will close this for now.
Thanks for the feedback.

Dose it actually work though?

I would have thought the capitalised 'On' and 'Off' trigger states should be lower case 'on' and 'off'.

You are right in fact I never received any emails from that automation rule.
I also tried with lower case or all upper case but never gets triggered.
I did try the manual execution of the automation and I do get emails.
I do see the switch changing state in the UI.
I also tried to restart the Automation service after changes.
I am not sure what else to try.

That confirms the action section of the automation is working properly. The problem must be the trigger.

If the following automation fails to trigger, you need to go to the Developer Tools > States page, find switch.digoo_alarm and confirm its state changes from off to on.

- id: '1596732058363'
  alias: Digoo Keyfob
  description: ''
  - entity_id: switch.digoo_alarm
    from: 'off'
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: digoo
      title: office was armed
    service: notify.autobot_gmail
  mode: single

Okay thanks for helping, I think it was my fault after creation it was set to Disabled, after Enabling it is all working.

Weirdly now that I want to add another Automation I am getting the first error again as in the screenshot.

This happens when I just try to create an empty automation and set the title only.

How? It doesn’t happen by itself unless …

There’s a very specific set of circumstances where automations can be disabled after a restart but it would involve cutting power to the machine while Home Assistant is still running.

I was getting the same message. What I noticed was that each time I added a trigger or action the UI would create a blank “table” for the next one. If I deleted those extra blank “tables”, then, it saved the automation!

I not sure if this was the cause for you, but I thought I’d let you know.

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This did the trick for me! Thanks for the assist!

I got the same Problem on my Pi4 / 8GB, on SSD on 64Bit. If I create a Automation, and hit SAVE, it will save it to the automations.yaml, but I can not see it at the UI, and also any Automation does not work. As this is a TEST System that I create for my new House, i deleted every Line in automations.yaml, but anyway this does not work. Automations will not work and be not displayed on the UI.

Check AddOn runs no Error after checking Config.

Anybody can help ?

Maybe a Fault that I don see ?!?!
My configuration.yaml:

Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
customize: !include customize.yaml

Text to speech


  • platform: google_translate

themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

#Sonoff Integration
scan_interval: 60
grace_period: 600
api_region: ‘eu’
entity_prefix: True #(optional)
debug: False #(optional)

#Telegram Bot Integration

  • platform: polling

#influxdb Integration
port: 8086
database: homeassistant
ssl: false
verify_ssl: false
max_retries: 3
default_measurement: state
- sensor
- binary_sensor

#MQTT Server
broker: http://homeassistant.local
username: "
password: "

#Alexa Integration
- email:

#Emulierte Hue Bridge für ConBee2 Stick zur Alexa Integration
listen_port: 80"