Simple Blueprint : Zigbee2MQTT Frient Keypad for Alarm control panel (ex: Alarmo)

I am publishing this simplified blueprint inspired by @AndrejDelany.
It allows you to link a Frient Keypad to the Alarmo module in your Home Assistant.
This automation receives events from the Keypad to manage Alarmo.
It also receives Alarmo state changes to update the status of the Keypad.


  • Arm All Zones (Lock)
  • Arm Day Zones (Home)
  • Arm Night Zone (Moon)
  • Disarm (Unlock)
  • Emergency (SOS Button long-press)
  • Entry Delay (beep + flashing green light)
  • Exit Delay (beep + flashing red light)
  • Invalid Code (orange light)
  • Alarm in Progress (flashing red light)

Update :

  • Support for multiple PIN codes and RFID tags (updated on 2024/10/10)
  • Add sections and custom action (updated on 2024/11/23)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

RFID Tips: I’m using NFCTools on Android to read my TAG, and I’ve copied it (preceded by ‘+’) in the list of PIN code.


Doesn’t import. Shows some error.


Update :

  • Support for multiple PIN codes and RFID tags (updated on 2024/10/10)

I recently buyed the keypad and installed your blueprint, thanks a lot!

is it possible for extra codes and extra tags to do (a) different action(s)? for example opening the garage port wich i have a button for in HA now? But would like to give some people a tag to open my garage without having to give acces to the home assistant app

i can make that if you want…

Add sections and custom action (updated on 2024/11/23)

that’s super!

But i found out i control my zigbee through ZHA and not MQTT. It look’s a bit complex to go and change al my zigbee stuff… Searching for a solution …

Could you make a ZHA blueprint perhaps? would make the world!

I don’t have ZHA, sorry.

There is an article in French explaining how to capture an event and a code from the keypad to trigger an action of your choice in an automation.

It’s a bit more challenging than a blueprint, but try it anyway.

any chance to control the LEDs? I do not see an error when entering a wrong PIN and pressing the arm button.

You can easily set it up using ZHA. See my post here. It’s not a blueprint, but it only takes a few minutes to setup and test. I just did this last night.

Any luck? I would love that too

Dear @BeGood,
Happy New Year 2025 :-).
What a nice job you’ve done. Thanks.
I can arm and disarm Alarmo from the Frient keypad using either a PIN code or RFID tags.
But, how can we assign a specific PIN code or rfid tag to a specific user in the Alarmo user list?
I created several users, each with a different rfid tag, but Alarmo report me always the same user that armed or desarn the alarm panel.
With other words: should it be possible to use the pin or rfid tag entered on the keypad to interact with the Alarmo alarm panel than using the control panel PIN code field (of the blueprint)?
Already thanks for your help.
Have a nice evening.

Dear all and @BeGood,
I found the solution by slightly adapting your blueprint.
I changed the following in the code:
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
id: keypad_mqtt
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: template
value_template: “{{trigger.payload_json.action == "arm_all_zones" }}”
- target:
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo_all
code: “{{trigger.payload_json.action_code}}”
action: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
alias: Armer en mode absent
This must be repeated for each modes.
With these modifications, the variables of the initial blueprint are not needed anymore.
Thanks to that, it is not needed anymore to manage the PIN codes and rfid tags in the blueprint but only in Alarmo. It simplifies the management of the system.
Hope this will help others :-).

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Hello Brix7be,

many thanks for your great work to connect Alarmo, Frient Keypad, Zigbee and Home Assistent.
As far the blueprint works great, unfortunatly I had a problem how to handle activating the Alarmo without any Code but deactivating with Code input at the panel.
I just can get all (arm and dissarm) with Code input or all (arm and disarm) without Code.
What I am doing wrong? I still define a Code and a user in Alarmo and than where I need to fill in that code in the Blueprint automation for the keypad? Or isn’t it necessary to fill in a code in the Automation or just when I juse a RFID chip to disarm? I am a bit confused :frowning:
Thanks for a short respons

I’m using the Frient Keypad with Zigbee2MQTT and Alarmo in Home Assistant. While I’ve successfully set up arming and disarming functions, I’m struggling to get feedback to the keypad, such as LED indicators (armed/disarmed states) and countdown sounds after arming or when waiting for disarm input.

I’ve tried a few blueprints (currently this blueprint), and while they work fine for the basic functionalities, they don’t seem to address the feedback part. Has anyone managed to get these features working with Zigbee2MQTT? If so, could you share how you did it?

With these updates I now have RFID and multiuser pin codes active on my Frient keypad - thanks alot!

I have been trying to get my Frient keypad working and synced with Alarmo for a couple weeks now - your blueprint helped me pull it all together. Thanks so much.

Hi @BeGood,
Is there an option to use the codes to tell me who armed or disarmed the alarm?
I found out that I only can use the serial number of the tags and not there “friendly name” like for example tag:ab05cd06= named Marylou, or can I use the names?

Thank you