Simple schedule On/Off Lights


New user here, and looking for my way around. I’m coming from webcore on ST.

I’m trying to find a blueprint to turn on a few lights at a certain time and turn them back off at a certain time. Can’t seem to find it. I solved it by having 2 automations for the same lights but this can’t seem the right way.

Is there a blueprint I can use?

kind regards,

Use simple scheduler no blueprint…


Thnx! installing now :slight_smile:

This addon should be part of the core… All my friends (being no home assistant experts) had the same problem when starting with home assistant.

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Can also be done from automations

Trigger (time?)

Call service - switch on - entity

I have done a blueprint for this 💡 Turn Light, Switch or Scene On & Off with Trigger Conditions

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