I think this is what you are both looking for - instructions on how to enable autocomplete in Ace:
Great find, but I’m unsure about that. I’ve seen that option while developing the configurator, and I understood it to be related to syntax/language: ...then the keyword and snippet completer as well as the text completer are used
in conjuction with <script src="ace/ext-language_tools.js"></script>
at least sounds like that to me.
On top of that: the requirement to enable the feature means that if it was what we are looking for, then it is already disabled.
Edit: I do have that option enabled though. Uhm, @abmantis are you willing to modify your configurator.py and set the enableBasicAutocompletion: true
to enableBasicAutocompletion: false
and report if that fixes your problem?
Nope, that doesn’t fix it
In that case it’s not the option we are looking for and the Ace-Devs would need to implement it. The configurator uses version 1.2.6, which seems to be the latest version available. Maybe the exact same topic has been addressed already and will be available in the next version.
Sorry, thought I stumbled on to it. I haven’t used configurator on a mobile yet so I wasn’t sure.
No need to be sorry. Still a good piece of information you have found.
When I run configurator.py, file & folder names are missing in large directories. If I hover over the icon, it will tell me the file/ folder name, but otherwise it is blank. Any advise? Nothing is printed from the application cmdline.
Hi , I’m new beginning for this site recommend I thank you for everything.
Could you post a screenshot of what you are experiencing? It’s unclear what you mean when you say it’s staying blank, yet you can hover and still see something.
There is no naming for the folders and files on the left pane. If I hover over the icon however, it will show the file or folder name.
Hhmm, I don’t really have an idea what could be happening there. Other directories work fine? And are you on version 0.1.7, which is the latest?
If “yes” and “yes”, would you mind posting the output of find . -maxdepth 1
while inside the directory? Just so I get an idea what kind of filenames we are dealing with.
For me it’s working with 34 files / folders, and extraordinary long filenames get gruncated properly as well. So there must be something with the files you have.
Any directory that has a large number of files/folders, e.g. the root directory and the .homeassistant directory, experiences this problem.
EDIT: Also, I am on 0.1.7.
I have 14 elements more than you, so the total number shouldn’t be the issue here, since it’s working perfectly fine for me. Which browser do you use? And what’s the output of the configurator-process? It should be (except time and IP of course) something like:
INFO:2017-07-13 19:06:05,089:__main__: - "GET /api/listdir?path=/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant HTTP/1.1" 200 -
INFO:2017-07-13 17:56:56,110:__main__: - "GET /api/listdir?path=/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant HTTP/1.1" 200 -
The process is definitely mirroring your output.
I am using Chrome (Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit))
Have a look at the developer-console of chrome. Maybe there are JavaScript errors that help to find the problem.
Definitely noob @ this… does this information tell you anything?
Nothing else happens while I search the directories. It is a complete mystery
Not really. That’s all about the editor that’s being used, not the code that I’ve written. Do new messages appear while switching between directories?
Edit: Overread that last comment of yours. Well, I don’t know what’s happening either. Next step: try it either in an incognito window of chrome and / or in another browser.
Just tried Firefox on the same machine, it works as intended. Fingers crossed someone more knowledgeable experiences this issue also and it can be fixed. Haha!
Have you tried an incognito tab in chrome? That’s somewhat like clearing the cache. Would be good to know if a clean chrome would work for you as well.
Had this issue once on an upgrade of this add on and I cleared the cache and everything worked after that. Worth a try if you haven’t done this already.