Since previous upgrade backup size increased from 34Meg to 333Meg

Good morning,

Since previous upgrade bacuk size increased from 34Meg to 333Meg.
I have just installed the las upgraded ; the problem is the same.

Last Versions :

  • Core 2024.7.1
  • Supervisor 2024.06.2
  • Operating System 12.4
  • Interface utilisateur 20240610.1

I have 2 instances of HA at the same level.
On one instance the last Backup is 45Meg.

The instance where backup took 333Meg has one thing that could change : for the fiirst time I used an automation to disable and enable an automation.



Eric Perottet

Copy your backup of your HA machine, and open it with 7Zip. So you can see what takes the space.

You may want to see this guide for ways to manage your recorder database size.

Thank you very much for your answers

The problem was I put files in the HA Samba and I ws not expecting they would be part of the Backup.

Thank you

Have a good day.

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