Single phase Din rail Smart Switch with Energy monitoring zmai-90

i received two units today. Connected the first unit to AC, started tuya convert process.

Process failed, and now the wifi led won’t turn on. Did i just brick the device?

What error did you get ? I have 6 of them, all flashed to tasmota using tuya-convert.

Very interested in picking one of these up. Does anyone have details of install (Photos or manual)? I’m interested to see if these are Hall affect or inline (apologies if this is a silly question)
Any help would be appreciated!

There are pictures here :

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I happened to me as well.
Simply open case, find 4 pins terminal, as shown here:

connect UART and flash with Tasmotizer.


I’m using tuya local with this device ZMAi-90.

@luis_teixeira you thing it’s fine for 25A in a apartment?


I do have the same doubt.
I do not want to mess with the switching part so I bridged the relay contacts (with heavy copper and solder, and with care not to mess the sense part).

So for sure that, even if the internal relay contacts do not support 30A alloted to my apartment, there will be no issues.

Just worried about the meter itself and its sense capability.

Hi, I have flashed a ZMAi-90 with ESPHome and it works perfectly. I was trying to measure a grid-tie solar inverter power generation. I connected the IN to Mains and the OUT to the grid-tie inverter. This way I can switch-off the inverter if required but I’m not able to get the power readings from the inverter to mains. Is the device able to measure in both direction or only one?

Can I connect 6mm² wire ? I bought SDM120 that can only connect 2.5mm² wire …