Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

Thanks for your latest post.
In neviweb, can you explain me the difference bettwen “hors gel” and 5 C ?
Is that possible to put the hvac mode in “hors gel” ?

I have a problem with input_datetime

I declared a date time in configuration.yaml with time and no date.
This is for the cold period duration.

In developpement tool, template editor I can enter:
delay: {{states(‘input_datetime.coldperiodeduration’)}}

and the tool write the value selected in the hmi.

in automation it is an error:

  • delay: {{states(‘input_datetime.coldperiodeduration’)}}

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: invalid key: “OrderedDict([(“states(‘input_datetime.coldperiodeduration’)”, None)])”
in “/config/automations/coldperiod.yaml”, line 36, column 0

Can you correct me the syntax please ?

Hi, for «hors gel» it is the equivalent to 5oC. Sinopé just put a name on a specific setpoint setting. When you select «hors gel» the thermostat goes to 5oC automatically to protect from freezing. In HA you can have an automation that will do the same plus an allarm if temperature goes below 5oC

hi @vormsty, In your configuration.yaml do you have the following
automation: !include_dir_merge_list automation/
In your error message you have /config/automations with an «s» at the end.
is it the same in configuration.yaml ?

For those hwo have two GT125, I’ve added the possibility to configure both in which will create the configuration file for both GT125 and add devices in each.
Please test it on

Yes a have a folder for all automations.
I have for each automation one file.
The folder name is automations

And in configuration.yaml do you have
automation: !include_dir_merge_list automations/ with an «s» at the end

@vormsty, sensor time_date with option time give you the hour.
delay is looking for a time period not hour. Like wait 4 hour, delay: “04:00:00”
On my side I have one automation that stop water heater at 6 am and another that start it at 9 am.
If you want you can have a delay: “03:00:00” between stop water heater and start water heater

For anyone following, I did receive a response from support. They advised me that the GT130 gateway was required for the firmware upgrade and by connecting the thermostats to the GT130 they would update their firmware automatically. GREAT! So I ordered up the 3 more thermostats I needed to finish the house and the GT130 as well.

It arrived last night, so I quickly moved the kitchen thermostat and storage room thermostat over to the GT130. At some point overnight, they did update. But not the firmware. They received a software update, so now both my kitchen thermostat and storage room thermostat are on software version 0.6.4. But my kitchen thermostat is still on firmware version 1723, my storage room thermostat is on version 1573, and my new ones are on version 2007.

At the end of all of this, I’m still left with 11 out of now 18 thermostats that do not display “Out” underneath the outside temperature. 15 of these 18 were purchased directly from Sinope at the same time so I would expect the same functionality out of all of them. I would also expect support to give correct information. At $105 each taxes inc x 18 thermostats, these thermostats are by far the largest single investment in my smarthome. To say I’m disappointed in Sinope right now would be an understatement.

Hi here is what I have
TH1300ZB on GT130 software 1.0.9, hardware 0
TH1300ZB on ZHA software 1.0.9, hardware 0
TH1120RF on GT125 software 1.3.9, hardware 0
TH1120RF-3000 on GT125 software 1.7.0, hardware 1
TH1120RF-4000 on GT125 software 1.7.0, hardware 1
I’ve many of each and each of the same model are at the same version. Both GT125 and GT130 have been updated somewhere in last few month. The TH1300ZB on ZHA is the last one I got so this one came at that version.

IMO, there is just no way that the early start feature can work properly. Yes, the time required to heat up a room is dependant on the current temperature; something the thermostat can figure out on its own after some time. However, it is also very dependant on the outside temperature, as losses are much greater when it’s cold outside. That, I believe, there’s no way for Sinope to figure this out.

Think about it; does it make sense for a room to take the same time to heat when room temp is at 18c, while you’re asking for 22c, when it is 18c outside versus when it is -20c outside? Of course not. Is it simple for a thermostat to figure this out? Of course not.

If you implement such as large delay, you should also look at " AUTOMATION MODES", as there’s a bigger chance the automation can/will run while it’s not finished from the previous call.


Im getting the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 197, in _async_setup_platform
await asyncio.shield(task)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/”, line 57, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File “/config/custom_components/sinope/”, line 59, in setup_platform
devices.append(SinopeSwitch(data, device_id, device_name, device_type, server))
UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘server’ referenced before assignment


I have added the initialisation server = 1 and it seems to work now.

Sorry I forgot one server assignment
I’ve updated the branch to fix it
put server = 1 at line 59, just before devices.append(S…
or just download

I hate to ask this, but since there are so many users on here that are technical you might be my only hope. My GT-125 was not connecting to the web so I went through troubleshooting on my own and with Sinope’s support. It was determined that my unit was out of warranty and I was sent to the sales team to buy a new GT-125. I received my new one today and lo and behold I am having the EXACT same issue. Web light does not go green.

I have tried:

  • A different ethernet cable and power outlet
  • A different port on the switch
  • Direct connect to my modem - bypassing the entire router/hub
  • Crying

At the basics of things, one of those would have gotten some sort of different outcome, but both devices are behaving the exact same way. I don’t know that I’ve experience this before and it’s making me think it’s environment specific, but I can’t determine what would all of a sudden cause the same type of device to not work!

Hello Mathieu,
I wrote some points of the hearing curve of the room.
It’s appears that the heating is aprox 1,13 c / h.
So I wrote an automation that trig every 30 min from 5h o’clock.
If the temperature is lower the corresponding point, I start to heat for 30 min and change back the thermostat to auto.
I am just waiting a cold period to debug my automation.
This behavior should be what we expected of a thermostat… I wrote to Sinope technical support but don’t get any response until now. I will keep you in touch.

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Hi, do you have access to your GT125 on your local network ?
Also could you check on Neviweb for the GT125 there is a setting to select between Neviwed data synchronization and local data synchronization. If the WEB light do not come up it could be because that switch is set to local data synchronization.
If you still have access locally to your GT125 you can use the custom_component sinope-gt125 that will manage all your devices via the GT125 locally. No need of Neviweb.

Hi Claude,

I am struggling to find my GT-125 on my local network. I can’t see it connected on my Google WiFi devices and am unsure of another way to find it. I used to be able to do all this stuff no problem and when things run smooth for so long and as I get older I am having issues keeping up sometimes!

How does one find the IP of their local gateway?

@claudegel, It’s been working for a few days now (2 Networks). I think you are good to merge !

Thanks again,
