Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

No my neviweb130 custom_component communicate with Neviweb for zigbee and wifi devices. Sinopé has not published its API for the GT130.
With the Conbee II you don’t need the GT130 and you don’t need Neviweb

Do you know if Sinopé has plans to release the API for the GT130?

I have the same.
I don’t get it, I have 2 thermostats and a wall socket connected no issues, it’s only the 3 ZW2500ZB that will not connect.

The wall plug says zigbee HA 1.2 and the 2500 have zigbee 3.0 written on the box, could that be it?

I connected it to my computer and using Phoscon you can get the details of the module.


Sinopé just start to consider HA as a valuable platform for there devices. So I’m pushing to get some data about there API for the GT130 and the wifi devices. As the number of people that are using Sinopé devices on HA is increasing rapidly I think that they won’t have choice as to support HA.

If you are using Conbee II it is listed to work with zigbee 3.0 devices. Do you have log when you try to pair your devices ?

I just check my own SW2500ZB and they are all zigbee 3.0 and connected to ZHA via Conbee II. What is your firmware ? mine is 1.3.2

Sinopé is a local company, the have great looking product and the price is reasonable. But for me, the local control is a deal breaker. I don’t want to be the proud owner of 12 nice looking paperweight because a company decide to stop supporting the product or decide that the product will now need a subscription.

There is no subscription with Sinopé. Neviweb platform is free and they claim that there zigbee device work with all zigbee gateway. So I don’t see any problem with Sinopé futur with HA. It should just improve with time.

I checked my Conbee II and I have version 2.13.04 / 12/18/2021, firmware 26720700
I’m at a lost here.

Have you ever had them connected to another controller? Or is the conbee ii the only one they’ve ever been tried with?

Before Conbee II I’ve tested the Elelabs usb dongle but it was failing regularly. I’ve also tested with Dresden Raspbee but I’ve busted it while rebooting my Pi and it was also preventing to install a cooling hat hover my Rpi 4b. Conbee is the most reliable one I’ve tested.
It happen once that a Sinopé switch didn’t pair with my Conbee so I paired it to my GT130 then reset it and was able to connect it to my Conbe. Maybe you can test that.
To reset the switch push the two buttons and keep pushing on them until you get three orange flash. Then it should pair .

One thing that can help is to use an USB extention cable for your Conbee dongle to prevent some interference with other wifi devices. Some users have reported that using a three feet cable improve the connection for some devices. See this for more info about conbee interferences

I would like to thank you and kramttocs for your help, it is appreciated.

The 3 switches that I have are fresh out of the box and never connected to another controller.

I only have the Conbee II but i will try the reset suggestion and see what happens.

When i connected the Conbee to the raspberry pi the first time the thermostats would not connect to it.
I saw that it was sensitive to interferences so it is now away at the end of a 3’ usb extension and
the thermostats and the wall switch are connected.

I’m an idiot …
Figured out why it didn’t work, I was pressing the 2 buttons for too long so the switch was going into reset mode. Short pressed the 2 buttons at the same time and it connected instantly.

Sorry for all the trouble for nothing.

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Glad to hear it’s working and thanks for posting back what you did. There is no doubt someone else will run into the same at some point and will benefit from your frustration :laughing:

Good to know for other that may fall in the same problem. Thanks for posting back the solution.

Do you know if there is a way to change the color of the light on the switch when using a Conbee ?

I am switching from ZHA to zigbee2mqtt. With ZHA the power value always worked but not in z2m. Did you find a solution to this? I don’t think that it is a firmware issue with the TH1123ZB as it did work with ZHA. thanks.

no, even a thread I opened in the project got closed with no answer… What I did was to deactivate the values received by MQTT in HA and replaced with one I did… Watts are just Voltage x Current after all.

this is a example of what I did in a sensors.yaml file

- platform: template
      friendly_name: thermostat_rdc_salon_power
      device_class: power
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      value_template: >-
        {% set current = states('sensor.thermostat_rdc_salon_voltage') | float %}
        {% set voltage = states('sensor.thermostat_rdc_salon_current') | float %}
        {{ ((voltage * current) | round(2, default=0)) }}

oh, and you need to enable the voltage & current sensors for that thermostat… they’re disabled by default

Hope this helps. Sorry to hop the thread like that :slight_smile:

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