It’s an « automation » in HA. So setting → automation and you create a new automation to send the outdoor temp to the Sinope thermostat
if you prefer to set it via the manual old way
add this in configuration.yaml
automation: !include_dir_merge_list automation/
then crate dir automation in the config dir
create a file like auto_update.yaml
and paste your code inside, then restart HA
Hi @sicarriere I’m guessing this is for ZHA, is there an equivalent for z2mqtt?
I tried deciphering it and translating, but I wasn’t successful as of yet. The other issue I have with these thermostats is the time is incorrect since the time change, is there anyway to also sync these with an NTP for example?
To send the time to your zigbee devices you need to send amount of second since 2000 to the thermostat via cluster 0xff01, attribute 0x0020, secs_since_2k.
I’m looking for a way to create a sensor that will calculate the seconds since 2000/01/01 and when I get it I’ll be able to make an automation like for outside temperature and send time once per day to the thermostats
@claudegel thank you for your detailed response, for a newbie, can you maybe suggest some links to familiarize myself with the technical aspects of what you mentioned. I’m deeply technical in computing just don’t know the terminology / constructs to search for to get a good starting point. I’ve looked through the z2mqtt docs, but there’s only passing info on clusters.
Thanks for great support!
The problem is how to make a sensor to calculate the seconds since 2000. The information about sending time to the device come from a sinope driver for another platform. But in that case they are using JS to calculate the secs_since_2k.
I’m trying do use something like this:
- platform: template
friendly_name: "time 2k"
value_template: {{ ((now().timestamp() - as_timestamp("2000-01-01")) /86400) | int }}
But it is still not working. I need also to take into account dtssavings and timezone.
Hi, can you test this automation on your zigbee thermostats to fix time display.
### Send time to zigbee thermostats
- alias: set_time
- platform: time
at: "01:00:00" ## at 1:00 AM
- 50:0b:91:40:00:02:26:6d ## add all your IEEE zigbee thermostats, one per line
- repeat:
count: "{{thermostats|length}}"
- service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
ieee: "{{ thermostats[repeat.index-1] }}"
endpoint_id: 1
cluster_id: 0xff01
cluster_type: in
attribute: 0x0020
value: "{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp('2000-01-01'))| int }}"
mode: single
This should send your HA server time to your zigbee thermostats once a day
On my side it is sending wrong time because it is not taking into account dtssavings
this one work
### Send time to zigbee thermostats
- alias: set_time
- platform: time
at: "01:00:00" ## at 1:00 AM
- 50:0b:91:40:00:02:26:6d ## add all your IEEE zigbee thermostats, one per line
- repeat:
count: "{{thermostats|length}}"
- service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
ieee: "{{ thermostats[repeat.index-1] }}"
endpoint_id: 1
cluster_id: 0xff01
cluster_type: in
attribute: 0x0020
value: "{{ (as_timestamp(utcnow()) - as_timestamp('2000-01-01'))| int }}"
mode: single
yes this is for ZHA but the cluster/attribute are the same. Should be possible to do the same with z2mqtt
I just set up a new Sinope line voltage Thermostat. Everything looks good, but Certain things do not come back from the Thermostat. Current temp, Current status: Heating, Off, Idle. On the Thermostat card I can control it, but the status and temp never change.
Hi @Hankc64 , look like your thermostat is properly recognized by ZHA . Can you post your firmware. On my TH1300ZB it is 0x01000900.
Also post your zigbee signature.
I really appreciate your help!
It’s very interesting. The power related info updates…
Your firmware is newer then mine. Maybe Sinopé change some attributes. Can you install ZHA toolkit via HACS and run the service ZHA Toolkit: scan_device like this:
service: zha_toolkit.scan_device
ieee: 50:0b:91:40:00:04:f8:ae
endpoint: 1
event_success: my_read_success_trigger_event
event_fail: my_read_fail_trigger_event
event_done: my_read_done_trigger_event
This will dump all your cluster/attributes for your thermostat in config/scans
Look for a file TH1300ZB_Sinope-Technologies_…_scan_results.txt. It take few minutes to appear.
In it you can find Sinopé custom manufacturer cluster 0xff01 and under it all the specific cluster. If possible send me that file. I’ll compare with mine.
Salut @ValMarDav ,
DVCBUSY c’est que l’appareil ne répond pas aux requêtes de neviweb
SVCERR c’est que Neviweb n’a pas pu executer la demande
Il y a un probleme de communication entre le GT130 et Neviweb ou entre les appareils et le GT130.
Svp vérifier les log pour voir s’il n’y a pas une autre erreur au cas ou Sinopé aurait changé le nom d’un attribut pource type d’appareil.
Je vais vérifier si je trouve de mon coté. C’est appareils sont des SP2600ZB ou SP2610ZB ?
If your thermostat never been connected to neviweb it is possible that reporting have not been activated so the device do not report setpoint, room temp and other data changes. Can you confirm that this thermostat never been connected to neviweb ?