Thanks @claudegel ! It works like a charm !
Have fun with coming winter and credit
Iâve had several TH1123ZB-G2s and the GT130 gateway around the house for a year now and honestly, the Sinope and Neviweb system isnât that bad. Just for fun, I had integrated the neviweb130 module into Home Assistant. With the recent loss of the Meteomedia outdoor temperature, I looked on the forum and realized that it would be possible to set any HA temperature instead of the Meteomedia one. So I did a little more research, but I canât find a clear answer to the question:
Is it possible to force an outdoor temperature value on the screens while keeping the thermostats with the GT130 gateway?
The only solutions Iâve found are to use ZHA or Z2M, which I donât think is realistic at the moment.
Thanks for your help!
Jâai plusieurs TH1123ZB-G2 ainsi que la passerelle GT130 autour de la maison depuis un an et honnĂȘtement, le systĂšme Sinope et Neviweb nâest pas si mal que ça. Jâavais intĂ©grĂ©, pour le plaisir, le module neviweb130 dans Home Assistant. Avec la rĂ©cente perte de la tempĂ©rature extĂ©rieure de MĂ©tĂ©omĂ©dia, jâai regardĂ© sur le forum jâai rĂ©alisĂ© quâil serait possible de mettre une tempĂ©rature quelconque de HA au lieu de celle de MĂ©tĂ©omĂ©dia. Alors, jâai fais un peu plus de recherche, mais je nâarrive pas Ă trouver une rĂ©ponse claire Ă la question :
Est-ce que câest possible de forcer une valeur de tempĂ©rature extĂ©rieure sur les Ă©crans tout en gardant les thermostats avec la passerelle GT130.
Les seules solutions que jâai trouvĂ© devaient absolument passer ZHA ou Z2M ce qui, pour lâinstant nâest pas rĂ©aliste de mon cĂŽtĂ©.
Merci !
Hi @Agurri, effectively by switching your device from Neviweb to ZHA or z2m you can send outside temperature to the second display of your thermostat and you can source the temperature data from whatever you want. Iâve installed a SinopĂ© MC3100ZB with a floor sensor connected to the temp input that is placed outside. This give me the local outside temperature that I send to all my ZHA thermostats
On the GT125 it is possible to connect directly to the GT125 and set temperature source to be managed locally or externally. For the GT130 there is a login page on the device but I donât have or remember the password. User admin, password ??? maybe there is the same setting as for the Gt125
Iâve been using HA for awhile now but fairly new to custom integrations. Iâm trying to integrate my Sinope Calypso water heater controller but keep getting an error. Iâve installed the neviweb130 custom component from hacks and added the code into my Yaml.config file but I keep getting this error message:
invalid config for [neviweb130]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value@dataâŠ
Iâve re-entered the code several different times but keep getting the same error.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
hereâs the code Iâve added to my Yaml file. nothing really crazy here, Iâm not sure what Iâm doing wrong:
Hi @Yukon_Shane
If you donât have a second location in Neviweb you can remove the line network2: âŠ
You can also remove line homekit_mode: False if you donât use homekit
For the other line put a space between username: and âmy_usernameâ
Same for the other lines.
also for better security place your password, username and network name in another file called secrets.yaml
configuration.yaml look like this:
username: !secret climate_username
password: !secret climate_password
network: !secret climate_gateway130
scan_interval: 360
stat_interval: 1800
and secrets.yaml look like this:
# Use this file to store secrets like usernames and passwords.
# Learn more at
climate_username: 'my_neviweb_username'
climate_password: 'my_neviweb_password'
climate_gateway130: 'my_neviweb_location_name'
Hi @claudegel
thank you so much for your quick response. I made these changes and it has cleared the errors and allowed me to restart HA successfully.
Unfortunately, I still donât see the neviweb130 in my list of devices. Am I missing a step?
You can find your device in devtools / states
Look for switch.neviweb130_switch_name_of_your_calypso
Then add it to a lovelace card on your dashboard.
If you donât see it then something is wrong.
add the following in your configuration.yaml file and restart HA
default: warning
homeassistant.custom_components: debug
custom_components.neviweb130: debug
it will allow you to get some answer in your log file home-assistant.log
I just bought a Sinope kit. I installed the Neviweb130 Custom Components with HACS but how am I supposed to interact with the thermostat with HomeAssistant? They are connected with a GT130 gateway. I was expecting some kind of UI in HomeAssistant or to see the thermostats already available in the device list. Thank you
Hi @jfmartel,
Once you have installed neviweb130 and connect to Neviweb all your zigbee and wifi devices will be available in Home Assistant. You will find them in dev tool/state (outils de développement/états)
search for device name like climate.neviweb130_climate_name_of_your_device_in _neviweb
If you have light then it is light.neviweb130_light_name_of_your_device_in _neviweb
For switch it is switch.neviweb130_switch_name_of_your_device_in _neviweb
Once you see them then you go in your overview section and in the upper right corner there are three vertical dots. click on them and choose edit dashboard.
Add a thermostat card on the dashboard and in the card add your thermostats
To be sure everything went ok you can add in your configuration.yaml the following line for debug
default: warning
homeassistant.custom_components: debug
custom_components.neviweb130: debug
and restart HA
have fun
Thanks, the explanation were right above my commentâŠ
I added all my devices and now I can control using the thermostat card. My first floor thermostat is the TH1400ZB (low voltage). In Neviweb, everything is fine but in HA, itâs being reported as inactive and the slider for the temprature is disabled. All I can do is change the status to heat or off status. Thanks!
When the mode is off you donât have a slider for setpoint adjustment. But when the mode is changed to heat, the slider should come on and be changeable.
Iâll need some data from your HA log. Please look in your log for a line like
[custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Setting up neviweb130 climate name of your thermostat ...
[custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate name of your thermostat ...
post these two lines
2023-10-29 14:53:46.158 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Setting up neviweb130 climate Sinope 1er etage: {âidâ: 448897, âidentifierâ: â287681fffe615b6e-500b9140000269fcâ, ânameâ: âSinope 1er etageâ, âfamilyâ: â737-LVâ, âsignatureâ: {âmodelâ: 7372, âmodelCfgâ: 0, âsoftBuildCfgâ: 0, âsoftVersionâ: {âminorâ: 7, âmiddleâ: 0, âmajorâ: 0}, âhardRevâ: 0, âprotocolâ: âsinopcomâ}, âlocation$idâ: 82192, âparentDevice$idâ: 448458, âgroup$idâ: 202821, âorderIdxâ: 0, âskuâ: âTH1400ZBâ, âvendorâ: âSinopĂ©â, âurl_enâ: None, âurl_frâ: None}
2023-10-29 14:53:46.185 DEBUG (SyncWorker_0) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Sinope 1er etage: [âroomSetpointâ, âoutputPercentDisplayâ, âroomTemperatureâ, âroomSetpointMinâ, âroomSetpointMaxâ, âroomTemperatureDisplayâ, âtimeFormatâ, âtemperatureFormatâ, âdrStatusâ, âdrSetpointâ, âlockKeypadâ, âbacklightAdaptiveâ, âsystemModeâ, âcycleLengthâ, âpumpProtectDurationâ, âpumpProtectPeriodâ, âfloorMaxAirTemperatureâ, âairFloorModeâ, âfloorSensorTypeâ, âfloorLimitHighâ, âfloorLimitLowâ, âcycleLengthOutput2â, âconfig2ndDisplayâ, ârssiâ]
I donât think it is a neviweb130 bug but rather a bad thermostat card in your UI
Please try another thermostat card or change your theme to auto or clear to have a clear back ground not black.
See this link
also send me log line [custom_components.neviweb.climate] Updating neviweb climate...
to see what are the value you get from Neviweb.
You are right. Changing the thermostat card fixed the issue for the slider but it canât read the current temperature. Kinda weird because I am using the default thermostat card for 7 other thermostats and they are all working. The same thermostat TH1400ZB was working with the default card when it was using ZHA.
For the log line, I canât find that lineâŠ
EDIT: Got it
2023-10-29 22:33:31.042 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Sinope 1er etage (0.567 sec): {âerrorâ: {âcodeâ: âDVCATTRNSPTDâ, âdataâ: {âidentifierâ: â287681fffe615b6e-500b9140000269fcâ}}}
2023-10-29 22:33:31.043 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Device attribute not supported for neviweb130 climate Sinope 1er etage: {âerrorâ: {âcodeâ: âDVCATTRNSPTDâ, âdataâ: {âidentifierâ: â287681fffe615b6e-500b9140000269fcâ}}}âŠ(SKU: TH1400ZB)
Did you set the second display for outside temperature ?
Also for the log line Iâve asked for the wrong one
[custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate
The other was for the gt125 custom component
In that line we will see how it is sent the room temperature
This unit doesnât have external temperature display
EDIT: according to the box, it should but I donât see any settings for that in neviwebâŠ
Itâs secondary display: Auto, setpoint or outside temp in your Neviweb device parameters
in your log line that youâve sent me it is config2ndDisplay
In the line I ask you we will find the value for config2ndDisplay
edit sorry didnât see the line. Look like there is an unsupported attribute for your thermostat
{âerrorâ: {âcodeâ: âDVCATTRNSPTDâ,
We will need to find out which one is not supported. But for that, as I donât have a TH1400ZB Iâll need your help. We need to go in Neviweb and open the dev console. What browser do you use?
Please go to my git GitHub - claudegel/sinope-130: Neviweb130 custom component for Home Assistant to manage devices connected via a GT130 and wifi devices from SinopĂ© and open an issue there. Iâll create a new branch to test which attribute we need to remove.
Iâll check tomorrow