Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

I don’t understand i’m trying to setup my thermostat. I can see everything from neviweb.
What do you mean register?

Additional information I finally get Raspberry and I got the same result.
No answer is coming when ever I try to push the button.
All of my thermostat is


When I log on the GT125 I can see following

Product information

Number of wireless devices connected: 3

Model: 125-0-2
Firmware version: v3.0.0

I gess that mean they are registred?

By register I mean you need to link your device with your GT125 first by following the process as described in your installation guide.

Yes, this is already done, have been using it for years now.
I can go online change the thermostat setting everything working as expected.
It’s just that doesn’t get any response.
One thing also he took about 5 minutes to get the Api_Key is it normal for a local connexion ?

If you see 3 devices connected then your devices are linked to your GT125 and should be sending there ID.
Please send me your login_answer

Not sure if that can be public? I sented a DM

login answer is as follow:
5500 preambule
0c00 size
1101 login command
00 status, if you have ff or FF then it is login fail <----
0000 backoff
030000 version of your GT125
xxxxxxxx your gt125 device ID

check the status it should be 00. If you get anything else please tell me what it is

Ohh yes it’s ff login fail

great let see if we can get the root cause. I’ll also update to show this login fail

Please check line 12
Must be:

Api_Key = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”

don’t put

Api_Key = b’xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’

I try again by removing everything and keep only the IP.

ok we can send the api_key request

push the GT125 <web> button

Sending key request…

I have press the button multiple time, no success.

And after about 5 min I got

Api key : b’0000000000000000’

Copy the value between the b’…’ in the Api_Key, line 12, replacing the <None> value

Just to make sure the web button is

Also I can ping the GT125. And for a local connection should be fast.
What is your firmware version ?

Yes this is the button marked ‘web’. push it once when ask for it

The answer should be very fast. not 5 minutes
on mine it is almost instantly

do you have a static IP for your Gt125 ?

same as yours 3.0.0
When you ping is it fast
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.921 ms

No dhcp but it’s reserved on the router. So will be always the same ip.

64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=3.28 ms

so you are 3x slower then me.
I’m also dhcp reserved on router.

Ok add


under line

def retreive_key(data):

and try again to get your Api_Key
same as for login you shoud have for the first part of the answer:
01 status if you get ff something is wrong

Took more time but still login failed



Ok I’ve tried with a bad Api_ID and it took about 5 minutes before I get an answer from my GT125

You see the ff status fail or timeout. And it return 00000000000000000000 as the Api_Key which is wrong

Then your Api_ID is wrong.

if your ID written on the back of your GT125 is : for example 002E B0C2 2D22 E432
you should write:
Api_ID = “32E4222DC2B02E00” (no space)

you reverse it by bloc of two character

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