Sinope Thermostat Support

Hi you can download my code for sinopé from my git.

Sinopé Custom Component for Home Assistant

I now have home assistant custom components for all Sinope devices connected to GT125 or GT130

Hi Claude
I installed your custom component for sinope GT130 and i am new to HA.
i changed the configuration file with my login info, so what is the next step for having HA to discover all my devices from Neviweb?
thanks in advance

Hi Martin welcome to Home Assistant. Did you install Sinope Neviweb130 via HACS ?
What Sinopé device do you have. My custom component Sinope Neviweb130 support all zigbee and wifi Sinopé devices. If you already have installed via HACS then you need to do the following:
1- in configuration.yaml add the following lines to configure neviweb130:

  username: !secret climate_username #your email used to connect to Neviweb portal
  password: !secret climate_password #your password for Neviweb portal
  network: !secret climate_gateway130 #the name of your location in Neviweb where your devices are registered
  scan_interval: 360 # The frequency that HA will poll Neviweb for your device update. Dont go over 600 or your session will expire and don't go below 300 or Neviweb won't be happy because it is too frequent

Then you can add some debug info in configuration.yaml:

  default: warning
    homeassistant.custom_components: debug
    custom_components.neviweb130: debug

Then restart HA. you will see in the log all info about neviweb130. Your devices will be found and loaded automatically in HA. Next step is to show your device in the overview panel. This is done with lovelace.
To find the name of your devices go in the dev-tool on the left side. and look for
climate.neviweb130… for your thermostats
light.neviweb130… for you light and dimmer
switch.neviweb130… for your load controler, portable outlet and fix outlet.

Star with that and I’l explain how to show your device in HA in the next post


To show your device in HA you need to setup some lovelace card in the overview panel, the first one in the left panel. Go there and in the upper right corner there is three vertical dot. Click there and a menu show «Edit Dashboard». Click it.
The upper blue title line will turn grey and a button appear at the bottom right «+ add card»
Click it and choose in the menu for a light panel or a thermostat panel or an entities panel. There are many to try. Just fill the card data with your devices. Once done click «Done» in the grey bar above.
Then you will need to add many other component to get more power in HA. The card show you your device and let you interact with them but automation will give you the power :slight_smile:

does it work ?
If you need more help go to:

Salut Claude,

i am brand new on HA and I am trying to have your sinope-130 install. I have 1 thermostat TH1124WF. I followed your installation process on gitHub:

  • downloaded the zip file on gitHub
  • extracted everything on my computer and copied the custom_components in my config directory
  • updated the configuration.yaml as per the picture attached
  • on restart, i got the following 2 error logs in my notifications pane

can you help me figure out my problem please ?


Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/hassio/
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:54:13 AM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:26:13 PM![config|690x251]
[139880915377152] The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: neviweb130 - Integration 'neviweb130' not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/", line 200, in handle_call_service
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1744, in async_call
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1781, in _execute_service
    await cast(Callable[[ServiceCall], Awaitable[None]],
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/hassio/", line 707, in async_handle_core_service
    raise HomeAssistantError(
homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: neviweb130 - Integration 'neviweb130' not found.
Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:54:13 AM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:26:13 PM
The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: neviweb130 - Integration 'neviweb130' not found.

Hi @Hugohonda I suspect that you didn’t place the files at the wright place.
You’ve installed neviweb130 manually and I suggest that you do it via HACS. First install HACS and in HACS you will have access to tons of custom components and sinope neviweb130. HACS will take care of the installation and will report and install any new update in neviweb130.
If you go manually then you should create a directory under config/custom_compenents called neviweb130 and copy your files inside that neviweb130 directory.
Uppon starting HA is looking for directory config/custom_components/neviweb130. If that directory does not exist that it cannot start.

Hi Claude,

Yes I installed it manually, I will undo what I did and install it via HACS and report back tomorrow if it works.

Thanks for your help

You should not have any problem via hacs
with the manual install did you create the directory neviweb130 under config/custom_components ?

I dragged and dropped the folder under /config

If you look at my post #11 you can see the picture with the folder structure.

that’s it, it worked Claude

thanks for your help, now i will figure out how to add my thermostat in the configuration file

thanks again

Your device are in dev-tool/state. look for climate.neviweb130_climate_thermostat_name
Then you’ll be able to add them via lovelace card so they appear in the different views you will create.
Next will be to do automation to catch Hydro peak periods to save money :slight_smile:

Yes i saw it under dev-tool and state tab and was able to add a simple card to my dashboard.

next I want to try to retrieve the humidity from it, i think i saw a post from you explaining how to do that!.

regarding Hydro peak periods, I already have Google Home Routine taking care of all my thermostats but “oh boy” it’s a tidious process, will have to see how HA can help me with that!

Thermostat do not supply humidity value. If you want to get humidity from Sinopé devices only the MC3100ZB have humidity sensor. If you want to get outside humidity then many weather component give external humidity for your region.look for Dark sky, openweathermap,meteo canada etc
Regarding the Hydro peak. look at blog Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats - #885 by sricard999. I explain how to catch the hydro peak email and operate the switch to manage all your device during the peak period.
I’m also looking into a new component called hydroqc that connect directly into my hydro account and give sensor for peak period. Hope to be ready with this one by December


Regarding humidity, I think I was confused with other posts I read about my other Mysa thermostat. I agree with you, Sinopé doesn’t provide any humidity info in the Neviweb app.

Thanks for the link for the HQ email, I will definitely take a look into that!

Bonjour, excusez moi de vous déranger
J’ai malencontreusement réinitialisé le réseau du gateway GT125
Maintenant il manque des thermostats dans naviweb.
Les thermostats manquant on quand même le symbole wifi activé.
J’ai essayé d’appuyer sur le bouton du gateway et d’ajouter un des thermostat manquants, mais rien ne se passe.

Quelle est la procédure dans ce cas ?

Merci pour votre aide,

Meilleures salutations

Thierry Vorms

Dans Neviweb il y a un bouton pour réinitialiser le réseau GT125. Allez dans Neviweb et ouvrir les parametres pour l’appareil GT125. Sous «enregistrer» il y a un bouton bleu «reinitialiser le reseau»
Attention ce n’est pas le bouton »supprimer» :slight_smile:
si ca ne marche pas il faudra resetter chaque appareil qui n’est plus là et les re-apparier au GT125

Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse.
Comment on fait pour faire un reset sur un thermostat RF 1400 (mi-fi)?

1- Débrancher l’alimentation du GT125;
2- Maintenir le bouton du bas du thermostat jusqu’à ce qu’apparaisse le menu de configuration;
3- Appuyer une fois sur le bouton du bas et l’option de déconnecter devrait apparaitre (affiche «
No » et « Connect Reset »);
4- Appuyer sur le bouton du haut pour choisir « Yes »;
5- Appuyer sur le bouton du bas pour confirmer et l’écran de confirmation apparait (affiche «
sure », « no » et « Connect reset »);
6- Appuyer encore sur le bouton du haut pour choisir « Yes »;
7- Appuyer sur le bouton du bas pour confirmer; « Clr » affiche.
8- Rebranchez l’alimentation du GT125

TH1300RF et TH1400RF
1- Débrancher l’alimentation du GT125;
2- Appuyez sur le bouton du bas jusqu’à ce que le menu de configuration apparaisse.
3- Appuyez sur les deux boutons (haut et bas) en même temps jusqu’à ce que le texte “RST”
s’affiche à l’écran du thermostat.
4- Appuyez sur le bouton du bas pour choisir “YES”.
5- Appuyez sur les deux boutons (haut et bas) en même temps pour confirmer votre choix.
6- Le texte “SURE” s’affiche à l’écran. Vous appuyez sur le bouton du bas pour sélectionner “YES”.
7- Appuyez sur les deux boutons (haut et bas) en même temps pour confirmer votre choix.
8- Le texte “CLR” s’affiche à l’écran.
9- Rebranchez l’alimentation du GT125