Sinope Thermostat Support

Bravo, faut bien débuter quelques part :slight_smile:

This is my first entry on the HA Community site. I can’t figure out how to start a new thread so, please forgive me for jumping onto another topic with an unrelated question. I’m in the market to buy five thermostats for my vacation rental condo in Colorado and the double pole Sinope 1500ZB is a candidate. I live in the Kansas City metro and just earlier this week I completed the transition of my own home automation platform from SmartThings to HA. The condo also has a SmartThings hub and so the Zigbee protocol would allow me to access the thermostats remotely since I implemented HA’s integration with SmartThings. Is my logic sound? I’d be so grateful for input before I pull the trigger on this purchase.

With Ha you can access your local HA from anywhere. If your smartThings is a zigbee gateway then there is no problem to install those TH1500ZB in one location and access them fro your other location or with your cellphone.
If you have the GT130 gateway from Sinopé you can have both locations in the same HA and manage your devices via each GT130 and the custom component neviweb130 in HA.


Have you try to integrate sinope Calypso AC3500-01 Water Heater

we already support Calypso RM3500ZB and RM3500WF. What’s the difference with your AC3500-01
Do you have it loaded in Neviweb ? if yes we can add it easily.

Look like yours is model 2151 which is already supported in neviweb130 / HA