SIP Client


It’s changed quite a lot, with new features like camera entity support, gui config, DTMF’s and more.

There is also a integration in progress that will include sensors for every extension and services to manipulate channels. TECH7Fox/Asterisk-integration: Asterisk integration for Home Assistant (

Just released the card: v1.0.1. This version added a audio visualizer, some styling improvements and bug fixes.

Some screenshots:

The repository names changed to be more standard. Here are the new names:

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Nice job @TECHFox

This should be on blog page on next HA release
Well deserved!!

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Hi! :slight_smile:

Can this card be used to receive calls? I am assembling a RPi doorbell using linphone (P2P).


Which card? The thread is 83 posts and 4 years long.

My apologies! I posted in the wrong thread! :confused: too many tabs! I will post in the correct thread.

p.s. It was for this one: