Sky Q set-top box custom media_player component

Yes, I’ve got that. It was more around the UI end. So a custom lovelace card or similar.
Thanks anyway,

I’m just run the config test against 105.3 and I am getting an error…

- Platform error media_player.skyq - No module named 'xmltodict'

should I be concerned ?

I got this too, but the update goes through and the component still works for me!

Hi did you ever make a Netflix button, I’m trying to work out how to get Netflix, Disney and Amazon apps on sky q to load from a 4 bank switch instead of the long winded remote way

I had for long time my Home Assistant without updating. Now that I found my time I put everything up do date again.
So that, I notice that now SkyQ is available in the official integration, but I still have it as custom component with yaml config going.
I try to add the integration and I saw that I had 2 mediaplayer entities for Sky Q, the custom components with all the channel listed in my yaml config and the one coming from the Integration but with no channels
How should I manage to have one settled SkyQ going?
What do you suggest?

Thank you in advance for advice and support.