SkyConnect Zigbee issues with ZHA

I’ve had several problems with dropped motion sensors. The worst is with Hue Motion sensors. They become unavailable, then when I add them back they show up but don’t detect motion. If I add them back to my Hue Bridge they work fine. For now I’ve gone back to my Conbee II.

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sounds like a range issue - did you move any line powered devices in addition to your battery powered sensors?

May well be. First my Conbee II had the same issue. Then this afternoon I discovered that my sonoff smart plug was no longer connected. Not at all sure when that happened. That said, the first hue motion sensor was within 20 feet of my Skyconnect with with no walls between. So tomorrow I’ll go back first to my conbeee II and if that works I’ll reinstall the Skyconnect. Either way I plan to buy at least one more sonoff zigbee plug switch. If all goes well I’ll report back and add Solved to my title…

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Alas that was not it. I reinstalled Skylink and even with the sonoff plug nearby my Hue motion detector does not detect motion on sky connect. It works fine paired with my hue hub. Also I checked and my hue hub is on channel 25 while sky connect is on channel 15.

One thing that you have probably missed is that Hue motion sensors don’t actually use the Motion detection type for motion in ZHA for some reason. Check for the Occupancy binary sensor. That’s the sensor that triggers on motion, with the actual motion one never triggering at all.

However, I am still having the same disconnection issue with my Hue motion sensors. Plenty of routers for them to choose from whether they be Hue bulbs or IKEA sockets. But still, they drop off the network at least once every 2 days.

I am also considering putting them back on the Hue network because there’s obviously some quirk in them which exists in ZHA/with SkyConnect. I wanted to move them over to ZHA due to the polling delay on motion present in the Hue API.

Alas, I hadn’t missed the need to use occupancy. Neither occupancy or motion was working so I moved my hue motion sensor back to the hue bridge.

I too have issue with Hue motion after adding SkyConnect They look fine in ZHA, but no interaction. Sensors are all flat lined and commands like sensitivity don’t work. Going back to Nortek.

For what it’s worth I’ve gone back to my conbee II

Same issue here, and went back to the Conbee II. Skyconnect is an alpha product at best. I’m starting to thinking all the reviews are bought and paid for, or completely untested.

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I have the same issues since i replaced my ConBee II with the Sky Connect. Strangly it doesn’t effect all my Hue Motion sensors however, It seems as if the ones most often used in automations remain available, while others that are less often used loose ther connection after a few hours.
(I also have Aqara (PIR) motion sensors which all work ok.

Follow this regardless of Zigbee Coordinator used → Guide for Zigbee interference avoidance and network range/coverage optimization

Same problem here. I recently switched from sonof zigbee stick to sky connect. And since then one of the hue motion sensors keeps dropping off the network. Never had a problem before. Tried re pairing the motion sensor and even tried switching the zigbee channel. No fix