Slowly Increase Climate Temp

Well, its all working - I had to get the ESPHome devs to make a change to the Tuya code for it to work w/ my stove. That was quite the adventure! At least I learned how to use Discord. Cool tool. Some of the folks arent too friendly tho.

Now I’m trying to get the UI to look right… Here’s another head scratcher.

should have posted it here.

someone already answered before I woke up :slight_smile:

They did and it works!

I’m still having problems getting my automation to trigger.

I’ve set up 3 triggers, none of them worked last night as the stove had randomly turned itself off this morning.

alias: "Fix wood stove error "
description: ""
  - platform: template
    value_template: >-
      "{{ states('sensor.esph_house_stove_current_temp_2')|float(0) +4  <=
      states('sensor.esph_house_stove_set_temp_2')|float(0) }}
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.esph_house_stove_current_temp
    below: 63
  - platform: state
      - sensor.stove_error
    from: "False"
    to: "true"
condition: []
  - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
      hvac_mode: heat
      entity_id: climate.house_wood_pellet_stove

I can change the state of the error by adjusting the value of set temp. If it’s 4 degrees below current temp, the sensor goes True, but the automation does not trigger

And after I raise the temp to 70 which is current temp + 4

Stove remains off.
If I run the automation manually, the stove turns on.

I’m baffled

why do you have ..._2? Did you change the entity names or are you now looking at the wrong entities?

Also, what does the template show in Dev tools > templates when you chnage the settings?

[edited for typos and clarity]

Somehow esphome created new entities when I renamed the module. But it’s the right sensor

I see why my fallback failsafe didn’t trigger last night.

I’d love to know how to delete all the random unused entities but I haven’t found a way yet…

goto settings > devices & services > entities.

Sort by status (you may need to click twice) but then the unknowns and unavailable will come to the top. Select and delete. You can also rename the new ones (to remove the '_2" there as well).

I suspected this, hence the question.

Im still battling the automation trigger. any ideas?

What does the template show in Dev tools > templates when you change the settings?

It works just as I’d expect it to when I change the thermostat temp.

state test: {{ states('sensor.esph_house_stove_current_temp')
|float(0) +4  < states('sensor.esph_house_stove_set_temp')|float(0)}}

Current: {{states("sensor.esph_house_stove_current_temp")}}

Set: {{states("sensor.esph_house_stove_set_temp")}}

increasing temp to 73:

changes to True, but no trigger…

dumb question, but the automation has been enabled, right?

U Made me look, but yes

I think I’ll start a new topic and put it out there at large. There has to be a simple answer or it’s a bug. What it took to get my stove working w/ esphome was rocket science. This should be easy…

OK, sorry I wasn’t able to help.

No worries! That’s what these forums are all about. You helped me A TON! Much appreciated.


Binary sensor… that’s the key that unlocks it and triggers the automation based on state change. Nothing else worked.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "BS Stove Error"
        value_template: >-
          {{ float( states('sensor.esph_house_stove_current_temp') , 0)  <=  float(states('sensor.esph_house_stove_set_temp') , 0)-4 }}


platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.bs_stove_error
to: "on"


Makes sense, binary_sensors are best for off/on things,

Glad it worked out!

It actually was syntax errors as to why the others didnt trigger… 2 really little things.. I guess its a lesson to us all that the really little things matter. A LOT.

I can see it now - that sneaky little " maybe from when you changed from a single line template to multi-line? …and the capitalisation as well, yep.

Well done on finding it all and most importantly, glad it is working!