[SLS, ZIGBEE2MQTT] Aqara Wall Wireless Switch Double Key Edition (WXKG02LM)

Hi! Here is my example blueprint for Aqara Wall Wireless Switch Double Key Edition (WXKG02LM)

You’re welcome!


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I have WXKG02LM_rev2 and it uses commands like single_left instead of simply left (I think rev2 added double-click).

It could be solved by expanding the conditions like this blueprint Z2M - Aqara D1 Wireless Remote Switch (Double) to

      - conditions: "{{ command == 'single_left' or command == 'left' }}"
        sequence: !input left_click

(or just use that blueprint if one has WXKG02LM_rev2)

Just commenting so that you know, or anyone that finds this thread. Thank you!! :slight_smile:

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