SMA Solar Integration

I have the same problem. It’s not every day, but it’s very enjoying because it messes up all graphs.
I’m trying to figure out what causes it, but no luck.

I nog have installed hass in a VM (previously is was in a docker) with the same configuration and the problem also exists there

an update somebody?

I have the same and now the database is kinda fucked up.
i found out that in the Database the ‘sum’ count is the problem. (i changed the value’s, but it gets back)

if you use this query, u can see the differents with the sum value :
SELECT * FROM “statistics” WHERE metadata_id >=‘xxx’ AND start like ‘2022-01-27 %’
ORDER BY created desc LIMIT 100

So i changed the value’s to what it started but it’s fucked again :

Here u have an screenshot from the DB, so u can see that the sum changes from the real sum (from start 0+usage to all time kwh)

delete entity and reatch, doesn’t work, it stays fucked up :frowning:

ME too
This doesn’t happen every morning only every now and again.
Could it be a disconnect from my inverter or the inverter rebooting.
Screen Shot 2022-01-28 at 10.46.30 am

Any Idea how I get the IP-Address/Login & Password of the Installation to connect the sma-Integration to ?

My (german) Configuration consists of 2 SB 3000 TL and one SI 6.0H 643 and the SunnyControl

Might there be some Config-Panels on the SunnyPortal-Website where I can find this Information ?

I hope my Question was not (very) stupid =)


Hello Volker,

you have to ask your installer for the password. He also knows the ip-adresses.


I have found a (Web-)Interface called SMA Energy Meter. Is this the one I am looking for ?

yes, at least the Energy meter. you need the same for other compents

Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-04 um 11.42.46
This one ? Or the “SMA-Home-Manager” (that has no Web-Interface)

My Energy Meter Webpage looks like:


can you use the ip adress in the SMA integration?

Well YES and NO … seems that I have no login/password-Data.

see posts above, there is a user and a installer login. (u can find default pwd’s online)
If that is not working u have to ask the installer for the PWD’s…

@Nicko1 did u fix it, because stats (long term) are fucked up now…

@Dimi No i didn’t fix it, is there any way to correct the long term stats.

Just remember SMA solar and SMA EM two different things.

SMA solar in HA is a integration that gives you info and stats about the inverter eg. Daily Solar Generation.

SMA EM in HA is a add-on that gives you info about the energy consumed or push back out to the grid.

The HA energy dashboard needs this both of these installed/setup to show the full picture.

I’ve got a SMA Inverter SB4 and a SMA EM linked to the inverter. The SMA integration provides all the info needed for the HA energy dashboard.

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i have corrected them in the DB it self and this worked for a couple of days.
But when the entity fails again, it’s again fucked up, the counter is not correct.

i don’t use a SMA EM but just the HA integration, which works great just this part is not ok.

@bertreb is your EM lan cable plugged into the SMA Inverter?

My SMA EM and SMA Inverter are both fixed connected to the local LAN. In my inverter I see a modbus/speedwire connection to the Energy Meter. So there’s a lan-switch in between.

hi i have succesfully implemented the addon
i can see all sensors.
i hav a question about these 2:
I suppose i need to count both value together and then it should get the active power the panels are producing?
howeverr if I check my inverter by ip (webinterface) , and check the current power there is a difference: (432W on webpage → but sensors are:pv_power_a:236W and pv_power_b:264W = 500W)