Small binary sensor

So, if I buy a WeMos D1 Mini I can flash tasmota on that easily? and only connect it to 5v?

I thought you were using ESPHome.

But yes it will also work with Tasmota. And yes it can be powered from 5V.

Hi, back again, Wemo D1 mini arrived. Flashed with tasmotizer, seeing in tasmoadmin. and configured mqtt and seeing it “work”. I have used to test:

And I have played with “SetOption19 1” and “SetOption19 0” etc. seeing things happen bu no device coming into hass.

I have read:

And I see the D1 mini sending mqtt when I use the explorer (I connected GND to D5-GPIO14):

But the device is not coming into hass… Am I missing something?

I then re powered and saw lots of “counting” in the home assistant topic but nothing still… mosquito log says:

what am I missing?

there is a device in hass but not showing me a “switch” or not seeing any change in the interface upon triggering D5

Announced to Home Assistant as MQTT Binary Sensor and/or as an Automation Trigger.

To have switches discovered SwitchTopic must be set to a custom name and it will automatically start to listen and publish using stat/%topic%/SWITCH<x> (binary sensor) or stat/%topic%/SWITCH<x>T (trigger) topics.

Not sure what to do now…

I have done in the console:
SetOption59 1

but nothing changed

the other relay worked well without “switchtopic” empty:

Oh… I dont know what to do where

A relay is discovered without doing anything. A switch is not.

To have switches discovered SwitchTopic must be set to a custom name and it will automatically start to listen and publish using stat/%topic%/SWITCH<x> (binary sensor) or stat/%topic%/SWITCH<x>T (trigger) topics.

So : go to the tasmota console, enter :

switchmode 5
switchtopic D1-mini-switch

done it, see nothing happening…

EDIT: well… see something…

it disapeared from hass:

EDIT: restart D1 and back:

it will come back on the next tele/ message

it’s back, but no switch in home assistant…

and this is now empty:?

SwitchTopic <value>

Set switch topic to a custom topic (32 characters max)

This will send an MQTT message to a custom defined topic similarly to option 1.

In the following example, we set the topic to tasmota02 with SwitchTopic tasmota02 .

I think I am too stupid.

can’t get it working

EDIT: I think if it weren’t this hard it would be more widely used

Ok, something is coming:

but still no “on” in that " binary sensor" in home assistant upon connecting D5 to GND… see happening in mqtt explorer but not hass

What switch is it ? Is it a momentary switch (like a push button), or a toggle switch ? Depending on the kind of switch you have to set the correct switchmode.

Normally open push button, I want to just have “a sginal” in hass

Then it is normal that you don’t see the state change in developer tools -> states. Check your logbook, you should see on and off there.

But HOW can I get status in home assistant to see when I press a button on that wemo d1 thing just like on that esp01s board when I press GPIO2?

In logbook I see nothing…

Also Node-red picks up nothing (debug)

Put the sensor in lovelace, and watch the screen while you press the button. You should very briefly see it turn on and immediately turn off again. That is the nature of a push button, it only shows on the short moment it is pressed.

done it, don’t see it

Did you check logbook ? Maybe it was to fast to see.

Yes I did… I cannot get this to work at all!

MQTT explorer sees it, but hass not:

Device is present:

nothing in logbook. And I am SURE if I make that contact it “should” show on quickly and node red should show me output…

why is it btw called “binary sensor” and not switch like the other 3 tasmotas I have?