Smart Irrigation - save water by precisely watering your lawn/garden

Having issues again, Not sure where I went wrong.

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Updating for last time today, calculating adjusted run time for next irrigation time!

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] ENTERING _update_last_of_day. bucket is 32.76599895148804

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] using OWM for precipitation: False

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] precip set to 0.0, which is last item of hourly_precipitation_list: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] since we are calculating, evapotranspiration set to 3.1971353008229766, which is average of hourly_evapotranspiration_list: [7.026754351581273, 7.026754351581273, 5.506518171314009, 5.506518171314009, 5.506518171314009, 3.8517212983616123, 3.8517212983616123, 3.946197571067952, 3.946197571067952, 3.149818009257605, 3.149818009257605, 3.0518850360522793, 3.0518850360522793, 2.966392570078983, 2.966392570078983, 2.495688599495276, 2.495688599495276, 2.717484818619613, 2.717484818619613, 2.1652191781454064, 2.1652191781454064, 2.1236083384421236, 2.1236083384421236, 2.161348423251015, 2.161348423251015, 2.118400083397524, 2.118400083397524, 1.9017238807734658, 1.9017238807734658, 1.6195777472610056, 1.6195777472610056]

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] bucket_delta set to -3.1971353008229766, which is the difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Updating bucket: 32.76599895148804 with bucket_delta: -3.1971353008229766

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] hourly_precipitation_list and hourly_evapotranspiration_list are now empty, bucket is 29.568863650665058

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Bucket for today is: 29.568863650665058 mm

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] _bucket_updated, received bucket value 29.568863650665058 from event_dict: {ā€˜event_typeā€™: ā€˜Front_Lawn_bucketUpdā€™, ā€˜dataā€™: {ā€˜bucketā€™: 29.568863650665058}, ā€˜originā€™: ā€˜LOCALā€™, ā€˜time_firedā€™: ā€˜2022-07-15T04:00:00.958682+00:00ā€™, ā€˜contextā€™: {ā€˜idā€™: ā€˜01G8006VDY7H6Q528QM1WZ7MJ0ā€™, ā€˜parent_idā€™: None, ā€˜user_idā€™: None}}

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] updated_adjusted_run_time_from_event called.

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] Calculated water_budget = 0 and adjusted_run_time: 0 for type: Daily Adjusted Run Time. Bucket value was: 29.568863650665058, and base schedule index is: 748.0519185980178, force mode is: False, force mode duration is: 0, lead_time is: 0, maximum_duration: -1, change percentage: 1.0, type: Daily Adjusted Run Time

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] updated_adjusted_run_time_from_event: got result: {ā€˜wbā€™: 0, ā€˜artā€™: 0}. Setting attributes of daily adjusted run time (including result[ā€˜wbā€™]) and state == result[ā€˜artā€™]

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] sun_rise: 2022-07-15 10:50:03.003823+00:00

2022-07-14 23:00:00 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] Front_Lawn_start will fire at 2022-07-15 10:50:03.003823+00:00

2022-07-14 23:40:35 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Updating Smart Irrigation Data

2022-07-14 23:40:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Finished fetching Front_Lawn data in 0.608 seconds (success: True)

so you expected it to irrigate, but it did not? the bucket is > 0 (29.56ā€¦) so the component is performing as expected - it thinks it does not need to irrigate and as a result, it doesnā€™t.

you can edit the files under ā€˜.storageā€™ folder but you should be careful.

regarding the grass type: this component does not take that into account it merely tries to make sure you add as much moisture as was lost.

Yes, Because its been hot and no moisture. Its almost like a sensoring that feeds it is failing but not sure which one

what source are you using again? I recall it was OWM. If so, use this OpenWeatherMap - Home Assistant to create sensors and start monitoring them. The GH page explains to some extend the maths, but basically you should be able to track down why the bucket is > 0. My suspicion is that OWM is simply given the wrong precipitation info for your location (so the attribute for rain for this component would be higher than expected). This happens a lot and is why I recommend using your own weather station or other sensors.

As many local as possible. I can rebuild with owm

I have a question on this component as well. I have it all day up and it is working correctly. I have been running it for a few weeks now and had my calculation time set to 9pm, sprinklers on at 10 so I could see it working.
Now I was convinced it worked well, I changed it to calculate at 11 pm and sprinklers on at 3am.
Yesā€¦I have the reset bucket in my automation as well.
The thing I donā€™t understand: with the current weather and calculate at 9 pm, the DART was around 17 minutes. Now with calculation at 11pm, it never is more than a couple of minutes now. Does this make sense? I expected that I would still need to water my lawn regardless of the time io calculation. I find it hard to believe that calculating 2 hours later results in a much lower water demandā€¦

For reference the history graph of my HART and DART:

I have a problem. My bucket doesnā€™t reset. I have reset.bucket in automations.yaml. Below are my logs.

- alias: Smart Irrigation
  description: 'Start Smart Irrigation at 04:00 when the workday sensor is on and run it only if the adjusted_run_time is >0 and run it for precisely that many seconds'
  - at: "22:39:00"
    platform: time
    condition: and
    - above: '0'
      condition: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.przejscie_daily_adjusted_run_time
    - above: '0'
      condition: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.przejscie_hourly_adjusted_run_time
  - data: {}
    entity_id: switch.sonoff_1001504e9b_1
    service: switch.turn_on
  - delay:
      seconds:    '{{states("sensor.przejscie_daily_adjusted_run_time")}}'
  - data: {}
    entity_id: switch.sonoff_1001504e9b_1
    service: switch.turn_off
  - data: {}
    service: smart_irrigation.reset_bucket

Did you check states and make sure you have that and name is right?

I admit that I do not know exactly what to check. Automation turns on and off, but does not reset the bucket. Seconds every day add up.

In home assistant go to states and see if you see anything with reset

In states i have nothing with reset.

I have added my own rain sensor, how do I update the addon config to use it?

I can see in the config

ā€œsensorsā€: {}

I just donā€™t know the correct format.

Working through some issues where this is not triggering after switching to a tempest weather station. I think it is due to mis-configuration of units assigned, so Iā€™ve changed some units and re-created the integration. I just want to validate/invalidate my thinking while I wait for this to trigger in the next days.

I am in the US so Iā€™ve got everything running in imperial units now and here are the sensors from the tempest that I have assigned
Precipitation: Precipitation Today (inches)
Temp: Air Temperature (F)
Max temp: custom daily sensor (F)
Min Temp: custom daily sensor (F)
Dewpoint: Dewpoint (F)
Humidity: Relative Humidity (%)
Pressure: Barometric Pressure (hpa) - there are several options on this, station pressure, sea level pressure, barometric pressure
Wind Speed: Wind Speed (mph)
solar Radiation: Custom Solar Radiation sensor (W/sqft) - tempest only offers w/m2 so I had to convert

Iā€™m about a mile from the Gulf of Mexico, so I believe the Coastal option applies as well, but I canā€™t find enough documentation to be sure.

Anyone who can weigh in on this is appreciated. Iā€™d like this to work as without it my water bill is crazy.


Is there any log of what happened in the past?

For some reason there was a glitch and it seems like the rainfall was subtracted from the bucket causing excessive irrigation.

I reset the bucket manually (set state in dev tools) yesterday but today the bucket is back to -0.40!

Winter period is a good time to test this Integration :smiley:
I have noticed, that at 23:00 daily adjusted runtime jumps from zero to some value - as expected. My current understanding was that this value is kept until the service that empties the bucket is called. In my automation this is scheduled for 2:00. But daily adjusted runtime goes already to zero at 23:35. May I ask for an explanation please ?

Thank you in advance

Any life to this thread?

So far the integration worked wellā€¦but now I updated to the recent version of HA and now it does not work anymoreā€¦ I receive the error

Platform not found (Exception importing custom_components.smart_irrigation_.....

Anyone else having this issue?

Iā€™m currently using irrigation unlimited to drive 14 valves. Iā€™m currently looking at various means to automatically adjust watering times depending on weather conditions. Iā€™ve got a Davis VP2 with evapotranspiration sensor, so HAsmartirrigation seems to be a nice candidate. My watering system is almost 100% based on drip lines. I read that HAsmartirrigation expects sprinklers. I know water per minutes consumption per valve. But Iā€™m wondering whether this integration is suited for drip lines. Thank you

Yep. Came here to see if there was some talk on a possible fix.