Smart Irrigation - save water by precisely watering your lawn/garden

I’m having difficulties how-to-read the .txt file via the link you’ve provided about KNMI/wiki

I want to use my own weatherstation (WS-5500) for all sensors where possible, so I only need evapotranspiration data from external input, right?

What do I need to do next, to finish the basic integration set up?

I found De Bilt, which is the corresponding column 260 . But what’s next?
Take an average of each month throughout the years?
The station .txt files says Found 119 years with data in 1904-2022 , but the data .txt file only gives data until 2010.

My gut feeling tells me, not to create this based on 13 year old data, climate is changing, right?

Who can help me out?

Seems I was wrong. hourly_adjusted_runtime is equal to the other automation/sprinkler, but the daily_adjust_runtime is completely off.

Other than the number for the bucket being completely OFF, it also doesn’t show and UNITS?!

Weird, is there anything in the logs that can help us? Which version are you on?

Unfortunately not without editing files in the hidden .storage directory. Not hard though

No clue how to read this file. Another user found it. Climate does change, but I don’t think that much in 13 years that it would make a big difference.

Oh. Okay :sweat_smile:
But without evapotranspiration data I am not able to use your Smart Irrigation solution, right?

Where should I find relevant logs? Version is the latest one, and it was happening with the at least the last version as well.


Aha. Were are these hidden? I might access them in terminal and edit them.

in this same thread: Smart Irrigation - save water by precisely watering your lawn/garden - #125 by jeroenterheerdt

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in the Home Assistant logs…

correct. You need some idea of reference EV values.

Ok I’m using file editor and have it made the files visible which were hidden :slight_smile: But what am I looking for? Went through almost all files and folders…

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Ok I found them using terminal and nano :slight_smile:

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Ok, great. Thanks

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I enabled debug logging and filtered for lines containing “irrigation”. I uploaded it here Nextcloud

Maybe you could take a look at it?

I took a look at it, and it looks strange. Especially as there are no units used for the “hochbeet”-sensors. Why is the bucket set to 20627.67 ???

not sure where the 20627 came from, but I do see this:

2023-07-05 15:20:45.522 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state USING A SENSOR for instance Smart_Irrigation_Hochbeet, type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, sensor: sensor_precipitation, entity: sensor.rainfall_d, sensor_state: None
2023-07-05 15:20:45.522 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state USING A SENSOR for instance Smart_Irrigation_Hochbeet, type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, sensor: sensor_temperature, entity: sensor.aqara_aussen_temperarture, sensor_state: None
2023-07-05 15:20:45.522 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state USING A SENSOR for instance Smart_Irrigation_Hochbeet, type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, sensor: sensor_humidity, entity: sensor.aqara_aussen_humidity, sensor_state: None

so it looks like the sensors for Hochbuut are not returning any values (None). Do they have values?


Hey friends! I’m a new user and have the same problem as @iz3man,
Base Schedule Index and Hourly Adjusted Run Time look good but daily adjusted run time stays at 0s permanently.

Screenshots taken at 23:45 local time (beware, this is a micro drip use case):

Here is a copy&paste of relevant log lines:

2023-07-06 23:50:06.897 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation]
Smart Irrigation
Version: 0.0.79
If you have any issues with this you need to open an issue here:
2023-07-06 23:50:06.897 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Smart Irrigation Gemischtes Beet sensors: {'sensor_et': 'sensor.weather_station_evapotranspiration_dailysensor_mm', 'sensor_precipitation': 'sensor.weather_station_dayrain_mm'}
2023-07-06 23:50:06.897 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Auto refresh is enabled. Scheduling for 23:00.
2023-07-06 23:50:06.898 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Initial update scheduled for 2023-07-06 23:55:06.897974+02:00
2023-07-06 23:50:06.898 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Updating Smart Irrigation Data
2023-07-06 23:50:06.898 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Finished fetching Smart_Irrigation_Gemischtes_Beet data in 0.000 seconds (success: True)

2023-07-06 23:50:14.828 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up sensor.smart_irrigation
2023-07-06 23:50:14.828 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up
2023-07-06 23:50:14.829 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] sensor __init__ for current_adjusted_run_time. bucket_delta=0
2023-07-06 23:50:14.829 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] sensor __init__ for adjusted_run_time. bucket=0
2023-07-06 23:50:14.833 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] registering: type: Base Schedule Index, entity: sensor.smart_irrigation_base_schedule_index
2023-07-06 23:50:14.833 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Base Schedule Index state: 3661.0, attributes: {'number_of_sprinklers': 1.0, 'flow': '4.13 l', 'throughput': '4.13 l/min', 'reference_evapotranspiration': '[1.24, 1.46, 3.06, 4.19, 5.26, 5.76, 6.0, 4.51, 2.95, 1.84, 1.08, 0.84] mm', 'peak_evapotranspiration': '6.0 mm', 'area': '42.0 m2', 'precipitation_rate': '5.9 mm/hr', 'base_schedule_index_minutes': '61.02 min', 'auto_refresh': True, 'auto_refresh_time': '23:00', 'initial_update_delay': '300 s', 'coastal': False, 'estimate_solrad_from_temp': True, 'unit_of_measurement': 's', 'icon': 'mdi:sprinkler', 'friendly_name': 'Base Schedule Index'}
2023-07-06 23:50:14.833 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state for type: Base Schedule Index
2023-07-06 23:50:14.833 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state for type: Base Schedule Index
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] registering: type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, entity: sensor.smart_irrigation_hourly_adjusted_run_time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time state: 405, attributes: {'rain': '0.0 mm', 'snow': '0.0 mm', 'precipitation': '0.0 mm', 'evapotranspiration': '0.66 mm', 'netto_precipitation': '-0.66 mm', 'water_budget': '11.08 %', 'adjusted_run_time_minutes': '6.75 min', 'unit_of_measurement': 's', 'icon': 'mdi:sprinkler', 'friendly_name': 'Hourly Adjusted Run Time'}
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, attribute: evapotranspiration, attribute_value: 0.66 mm, numeric_part: 0.66, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, attribute: netto_precipitation, attribute_value: -0.66 mm, numeric_part: -0.66, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_to_hass restoring state, setting netto precipitation / bucket_delta to: -0.66
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, attribute: precipitation, attribute_value: 0.0 mm, numeric_part: 0.0, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, attribute: rain, attribute_value: 0.0 mm, numeric_part: 0.0, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, attribute: snow, attribute_value: 0.0 mm, numeric_part: 0.0, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, attribute: water_budget, attribute_value: 11.08 %, numeric_part: 11.08, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, attribute: adjusted_run_time_minutes, attribute_value: 6.75 min, numeric_part: 6.75, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.834 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state for type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.837 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state USING A SENSOR for instance Smart_Irrigation_Gemischtes_Beet, type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, sensor: sensor_et, entity: sensor.weather_station_evapotranspiration_dailysensor_mm, sensor_state: <state sensor.weather_station_evapotranspiration_dailysensor_mm=0.66452; sensor=sensor.weather_station_evapotranspiration_mm, operation=sum, interval=30, unit_of_measurement=mm, auto_reset=True, icon=mdi:timetable, friendly_name=Ventus W830 EvapoTranspiration (ET) (DailySensor) @ 2023-07-06T23:50:14.830930+02:00>
2023-07-06 23:50:14.837 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state USING A SENSOR for instance Smart_Irrigation_Gemischtes_Beet, type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, sensor: sensor_precipitation, entity: sensor.weather_station_dayrain_mm, sensor_state: None
2023-07-06 23:50:14.837 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] rain: 0, snow: 0
2023-07-06 23:50:14.837 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] skipped calculating evapotranspiration, got the following value from a sensor: 0.66452
2023-07-06 23:50:14.837 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] Calculated water_budget = 0.11075333333333333 and adjusted_run_time: 405 for type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time. Bucket value was: -0.66452, and base schedule index is: 3661.016949152543, force mode is: False, force mode duration is: 0, lead_time is: 0, maximum_duration: -1, change percentage: 1.0, type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.837 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state: just updated hourly_precipitation_list: [0.0] and hourly_evapotranspiration_list: [0.66452]
2023-07-06 23:50:14.837 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state for type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.837 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state USING A SENSOR for instance Smart_Irrigation_Gemischtes_Beet, type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, sensor: sensor_et, entity: sensor.weather_station_evapotranspiration_dailysensor_mm, sensor_state: <state sensor.weather_station_evapotranspiration_dailysensor_mm=0.66452; sensor=sensor.weather_station_evapotranspiration_mm, operation=sum, interval=30, unit_of_measurement=mm, auto_reset=True, icon=mdi:timetable, friendly_name=Ventus W830 EvapoTranspiration (ET) (DailySensor) @ 2023-07-06T23:50:14.830930+02:00>
2023-07-06 23:50:14.838 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state USING A SENSOR for instance Smart_Irrigation_Gemischtes_Beet, type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time, sensor: sensor_precipitation, entity: sensor.weather_station_dayrain_mm, sensor_state: None
2023-07-06 23:50:14.838 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] rain: 0, snow: 0
2023-07-06 23:50:14.839 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] skipped calculating evapotranspiration, got the following value from a sensor: 0.66452
2023-07-06 23:50:14.839 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] Calculated water_budget = 0.11075333333333333 and adjusted_run_time: 405 for type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time. Bucket value was: -0.66452, and base schedule index is: 3661.016949152543, force mode is: False, force mode duration is: 0, lead_time is: 0, maximum_duration: -1, change percentage: 1.0, type: Hourly Adjusted Run Time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.839 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state: just updated hourly_precipitation_list: [0.0, 0.0] and hourly_evapotranspiration_list: [0.66452, 0.66452]
2023-07-06 23:50:14.839 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] registering: type: Daily Adjusted Run Time, entity: sensor.smart_irrigation_daily_adjusted_run_time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.839 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Daily Adjusted Run Time state: 0, attributes: {'water_budget': '0.0 %', 'bucket': '1.23 mm', 'lead_time': '0 s', 'maximum_duration': '-1 s', 'adjusted_run_time_minutes': '0.0 min', 'force_mode_duration': 0, 'force_mode_enabled': False, 'unit_of_measurement': 's', 'icon': 'mdi:sprinkler'}
2023-07-06 23:50:14.839 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Daily Adjusted Run Time, attribute: water_budget, attribute_value: 0.0 %, numeric_part: 0.0, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.840 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Daily Adjusted Run Time, attribute: bucket, attribute_value: 1.23 mm, numeric_part: 1.23, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.840 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_to_hass restoring state, settting bucket to: 1.23
2023-07-06 23:50:14.840 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] async_added_t_hass type: Daily Adjusted Run Time, attribute: adjusted_run_time_minutes, attribute_value: 0.0 min, numeric_part: 0.0, show_units: True, a_val was str or contained ' ': True
2023-07-06 23:50:14.840 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state for type: Daily Adjusted Run Time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.840 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] Calculated water_budget = 0 and adjusted_run_time: 0 for type: Daily Adjusted Run Time. Bucket value was: 1.23, and base schedule index is: 3661.016949152543, force mode is: False, force mode duration is: 0, lead_time is: 0, maximum_duration: -1, change percentage: 1.0, type: Daily Adjusted Run Time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.840 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] calculating wb and art for daily adjusted run time, result: {'wb': 0, 'art': 0}
2023-07-06 23:50:14.840 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] update_state for type: Daily Adjusted Run Time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.840 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] Calculated water_budget = 0 and adjusted_run_time: 0 for type: Daily Adjusted Run Time. Bucket value was: 1.23, and base schedule index is: 3661.016949152543, force mode is: False, force mode duration is: 0, lead_time is: 0, maximum_duration: -1, change percentage: 1.0, type: Daily Adjusted Run Time
2023-07-06 23:50:14.840 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] calculating wb and art for daily adjusted run time, result: {'wb': 0, 'art': 0}

2023-07-06 23:52:19.448 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Calculate Daily Adjusted Run Time service called, calculating now.
2023-07-06 23:52:19.448 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] ENTERING _update_last_of_day. bucket is 1.23
2023-07-06 23:52:19.448 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] using OWM for precipitation: False
2023-07-06 23:52:19.448 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] precip set to 0.0, which is last item of hourly_precipitation_list: [0.0, 0.0]
2023-07-06 23:52:19.448 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] since we use a sensor, evapotranspiration set to 0.66452, which is last item of hourly_evapotranspiration_list: [0.66452, 0.66452]
2023-07-06 23:52:19.448 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] bucket_delta set to -0.66452, which is the difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration
2023-07-06 23:52:19.448 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Updating bucket: 1.23 with bucket_delta: -0.66452
2023-07-06 23:52:19.448 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] hourly_precipitation_list and hourly_evapotranspiration_list are now empty, bucket is 0.56548
2023-07-06 23:52:19.452 INFO (SyncWorker_10) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] _bucket_updated, received bucket value 0.56548 from event_dict: {'event_type': 'Smart_Irrigation_Gemischtes_Beet_bucketUpd', 'data': {'bucket': 0.56548}, 'origin': 'LOCAL', 'time_fired': '2023-07-06T21:52:19.451139+00:00', 'context': {'id': '01H4PK25ZV4CEVNNJ06JFT8BQW', 'parent_id': None, 'user_id': None}}
2023-07-06 23:52:19.452 INFO (SyncWorker_10) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] updated_adjusted_run_time_from_event called.
2023-07-06 23:52:19.452 INFO (SyncWorker_10) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] Calculated water_budget = 0 and adjusted_run_time: 0 for type: Daily Adjusted Run Time. Bucket value was: 0.56548, and base schedule index is: 3661.016949152543, force mode is: False, force mode duration is: 0, lead_time is: 0, maximum_duration: -1, change percentage: 1.0, type: Daily Adjusted Run Time
2023-07-06 23:52:19.452 INFO (SyncWorker_10) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] updated_adjusted_run_time_from_event: got result: {'wb': 0, 'art': 0}. Setting attributes of daily adjusted run time (including result['wb']) and state == result['art']
2023-07-06 23:52:19.457 INFO (SyncWorker_10) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] sun_rise: 2023-07-07 03:07:05.218769+00:00
2023-07-06 23:52:19.457 INFO (SyncWorker_10) [custom_components.smart_irrigation.sensor] Smart_Irrigation_Gemischtes_Beet_start will fire at 2023-07-07 03:07:05.218769+00:00
2023-07-06 23:52:21.645 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [281472349973200] Received unknown command: cloud/status
2023-07-06 23:52:26.909 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [281472349973200] Received unknown command: cloud/status
2023-07-06 23:52:29.007 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [281472349973200] Received unknown command: cloud/status

Why doesn’t my setup calculate a daily adjusted run time? Any help would be appreciated!

your bucket is >0 hence your daily adjusted run time is 0. See: GitHub - jeroenterheerdt/HAsmartirrigation: Smart Irrigation custom component for Home Assistant

Hey @jeroenterheerdt thanks for the quick reply!
Yes, I guess that explains it. However, why is it? Is my setup wrongly configured? Today was a normal sunny day without rain. I would expect some irrigation is required tomorrow morning…

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well yeah, that is hard to say. check that your bucket goes down tomorrow - it should go down with about the average of hourly adjusted run time. If it doesn’t go down, something is off, but I cannot spot anything weird in the logs.