Smart plug that Home Assistant can control

Thanks. I’m trying to find a guide for those Bunnings ones. They’re 17.50 down the road. Just trying to work out the steps to get them working with my bc Home Assistant. I can’t seem to find any guides.

Did you look in the thread I directed you to?

I just went and bought the Arlec plug from Bunnings for $17.50 and successfully added it to the Tuya iPhone app (don’t add it to Grid Connect, but follow the same instructions). Soon after it automagically appeared in HA (I already had the Tuya component set up). Despite whatever you name it in Tuya, in HA it appears as switch.01456d8f2d015bbf8895 (for example) but you can rename it in Developer Tools. I could then turn it on and off from HA.

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Well done. Just be aware that the Tuya service relies on the cloud if you use it in it’s stock config, without flashing it with Tasmota/ESPhome. If your internet goes down, you won’t be able to control it with HA.

If you flash Tasmota/ESPhome to it - it will be locally controllable and not rely on a cloud service to work.

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guessing not, or using the search function, or noticing that the thread you linked is VERY active :man_facepalming:

Hey mate, is there a guide around to do this? I have looked, but the treads I have found seem fragmented and branch into other topics. I’d like to get the Arlec Power Board integrated into HA if that’s possible. If you have a link to something that’s easy to follow I’d appreciate it. Thanks.


Thanks mate. BTW, do you know if the powerboard is wifi or just bluetooth?

Definitely wifi.

Awesome, thanks mate.

Just to add, tasmota works on esp8266 devices, which are, by definition, wifi. Hope that helps.

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Thanks mate, just what I needed to know.

Hey mate, did you managed to find a guide on how to flash the Arlec Power board? I looked at the link shared by Nickrout below still couldnt figure out how.

google tuya-convert

Hate to correct you @francisp, I think the original is

I always use the link I provided, but they both work.

Thanks Nickrout and francisp for super quick respond. Will check them out.

From this link :


This project is currently maintained by Colin Kuebler @kueblc

So they are essentially the same :slight_smile:

Interesting, thanks.