SmartThings Home-Assistant Connect

Do you set App Settings? Your token and Hass URL is correct?

Our Hass URL is available from outside? Contais a valid ssl certificate?

Thanks for your replies. I have set everything correctly as per guide but in Smartthings my smartapps are not displayed. I did a test by installing tasmotaconnect in the ide and that also does not appear.

Finally got it!! Don’t know why but today login in smartthings ide and no smartapps or device hendlers where there. Now all work well

is this project still working? i followed the guide but i can’t see home assistant in apps

I created the project, created the handlers, published everything but nothing I don’t see it. domain url how should it be? “https: \”

Hi Marco,
Smartthings integration requires few things:

  • SSL certificates - generated and proper configuration of HA to use them.
  • If you have configured NAT on 8123 - than it can be on 8123.

So the first thing that you should do if you are on this stage is to try to open from “outside” the address that you mentioned. If you can - there are very good changes to be successful with next steps (configuration at ST side), otherwise - no chance.

Hi, thanks for the reply. I apologize for the English, I use Google translate. My home assistant can be reached from the outside, even without typing 8123 ( Ngnix configured, ssh configured. My question of port 8123 was in creating the smartapp

github的代码已经不再维护 并且只支持灯和开关 smart things 新版本也与教程发生了变化 已经取消了My app 选项 下面我把我遇到的问题介绍给大家 希望对大家的接入产生帮助

1 新版smart things My app 已经取消。不要再找了 接入成功后 设备会在 设备页面 未分配选项卡里显示
2 创建 smart app 和 设备控制软件 (cover,light,switch)后 在smart app 点击模拟按钮 设置app位置后会出现选项卡 如果点击light或者switch内能显示出你home-assistant 内的设备 说明接入成功 。此时可以在手机端查看设备。应该会出现。
3 home-assistant 接入需要支持HSTS 也就是要支持https访问
4 中国大陆地区需要申请三星香港账户 并且在手机登录 APP要在谷歌商店下载。 自带的samsung connect 和 本地账户是无法接入的。

light属性的设备 色温控制不正常 我的设备控制范围是 2700K-6500K 三星APP的滑动条范围是2000K-6500 smart app 我看配置文件是 2000K-6493K 造成的结果就是 输入不支持的范围后设备不会执行调色 我改了配置文件 无效 我也不会编译 解决不了

希望可以得到大神的技术 如果有大神 可以继续维护这个插件就更好。
此时此刻 附上国内bbs常用的一句祝福语 : 好人一生平安!
