Smartthings Integration disappears every 24 hours

Since 2025.1.0 update (I just installed 2025.1.2 today so not sure if that was fixed) my Smartthings integration drops almost daily. I have to add, get the access token, and then authorize. Thank goodness Home Assistant remembers the devices so I don’t have to update my automations. This ia obviously annoying and its almost daily. Then my automations quit running. I’ve tried removing smartthings and adding it. Smartthings is added just fine and ends up working great for a day or so then suddenly drops. Anyone else have this?

Thanks for your help


Sorry - no.

Smarthings has been working fine with 2025.1.2 and before.

The only unusual part of my network is I use AdGuard to block almost all of Samsung’s data grabbing (e.g.,,, etc). I had to disable AdGuard for initial setup, but all has been fine since.

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This is probably it! I added a second for my Frame TV but that was in November. My new problems just happened at the turn of the new year. I had my original Access token for 4 years I think with Home Assistant.

What can we do? Re authorize daily?

I may remove my frame (which isn’t happening like Smartthings) and then just add SmartThings and see where that leads me. I have been deleting the old tokens that stop working

It’s bizarre SmarThings worked for YEARs and the only thing that changed was 2025.1.0 update

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As far as I understand it´s not up to which version of HA you are, it´s because Samsung made some changes to their PAT practices (which wasn´t even intended for continuous use in a first place) and they require now OAuth instaed of PAT for new integrations. So if you got older PAT stored or in use, it works just fine but newly made PATs works only for 24h. All we can do is use “good old PAT”, renew PAT daily or wait for HA to have OAuth method in ST integration.

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That’s terrible news, do you have any idea when OAuth integration in HA will happen?

I found this thread of others. Stinks my ‘grandfathered’ PAT was kicked off. It was 2025.1.0 that had too many requests and kicked me off

I am not sure to whom we need to address this problem within Home Assistant but 4% of all users use this integration.
They’ll need to re-write a part of their integration.


Any idea how this can be fixed?

Im having the same problem so following. I have been using HA for years (core) - had to do a fresh server install and restored my set up but the key needed renewed as I left it too long and now using a new key it removed itself every 24 hours.


In my opinion, there is not a lot that can be done till they re-write the integration

I posted in the SmartThings community and someone reached out, so maybe something on their end? I can’t keep reauthorizing it manually every day with a new token so I’ll probably ditch SmartThings by next weekend if 1) HA smartthings integration isn’t fixed or 2) SmartThings doesn’t fix it on their end


Add me to the list. I posted in the thread on SmartThings community as well. I am most likely going to drop SmartThings at this point.


Same, this is the programmer of the ST integration saying he’s at a loss. Doesn’t look like a fix in the near future. Our only hope is for SmartThings to reverse their policy

update: ST and dev are in talks

I’m impacted too.

Same issue here. Restarting HA daily solves it for me, but still that shouldn’t be necessary.

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I deleted my old PAT on the samsung site, I hope your solution helps everyone else. Thank you

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Be sure to leave an emoji on one of the last comments in the issue, we’re sizing the impact so maybe Samsung can do something with that for the time being