IT WORKED! So the problem is:
The missing port
The kind of password (LONG LIFE)
Thank you very much!
IT WORKED! So the problem is:
The missing port
The kind of password (LONG LIFE)
Thank you very much!
I successfully used the utility to clean up the existing smartapp and add it again to get things working:
Looking for some direction on how to resolve the issue I’m having with the Smartthings Component. A bit of background. I had successfully integrated the Smartthings component and all was working well. I decided to remove the Smartthings component to simplify my configuration and to perform some testing. After completing some testing I wanted to reinstall the Smartthings component and now am unable to complete the installation. And unfortunately I didn’t take a snapshot of the working configuration.
Raspberry Pi 3B+ v0.90.1
Smartthings Classic Android App V2.17.0 Build 448328
1.) From Home Assistant > Configuration > Intergration > Smartthings > Enter Personal Access Token
2.) Generate a new token from the Smartthings
3.) Enter new token into the Home Assistant dialog box and select > Submit
4.) New Dialog Box opens “Install Smart App” with instructions to install the Home Assistant SmartApp
in at least one location and click submit.
5.) Open the Smartthing Classic app and perform the following > Automation > SmartApps > Add a
SmartApp > My Apps > Select the existing Home Assistant App > Configuration > Done > Allow >
receive a confirmation that is was “successfully installed”
6.) Return to Home Assistant dialog box “Install Smart App” and click > Submit.
7.) New dialog box with the following message
“Please ensure you have installed and authorized Home Assistant SmartApp and try again.”
I’ve completed this sequence multiple time with the same results. I’ve attempted to locate a method to remove the Home Assistant app from the Smartthings Classic app and haven’t been successful.
I attempted the solution suggested by cdrom1028 without success. So I’m reaching out for any additional ideas or directions for resources that I can investigate for a solutions.
Thanks in advance for any input.
Hi, I have the same problem, I used the removal tool, reinstalled, nothing. Then again the removal tool, modified the http section as per the suggestion by @cdrom1028 but nothing works. It says the app was successfully installed but I can’t see any device in HA.
So I did the tests in the documentation
( curl -X POST https://{BASE_URL}/api/webhook/{WEBHOOK_ID} -H “Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8” -d …etc etc) and all worked fine, I did get the expected result.
I’m lost I don’t know what else to do.
Been trying to solve this for a week now!
Anyone? any ideas?
Tks in advance
Just to add to the previous info, I activated the debug option and it the live log at the ST graph page, it shows:
And, the log at HA shows
just to add a little more insight,
I had an issue last week with my home assistant integration so I had to delete it from HA, here’s what I learned.
one other thing… I built a vm especially for the removal tool running plain-Jane no GUI Debian with all the python prerequisites.
Good Luck
TKS A LOT!! It was a matter of time only. I did everything again as you suggested, waiting long times between steps and everything is working again!!!
that’s great to hear!
Having a related issue, I had this Smartthings integration working fine for a while but have had to start my HASSIO setup from scratch so I am going through this setup process again.
Of course, I can’t find my original Personal Access Token, so I created a new one to run through the setup, when I enter it into the smartthings setup, it takes it and tells me to add the SmartApp and come back and press submit, however when I go into the Smartthings app and try to add the SmartApp there is nothing there to add?
I don’t get an error from Home Assistant, but when I go back and just click Submit, it says please ensure you have installed and authorized the SmartApp, but there is no smartapp to install? I also don’t see an orphaned smartapp in my Smartthings, but can’t figure out how to get it to let me add the smartapp?
Update - I got it working. I had to delete the existing token in smartthings and just create a new one, then it let me add the smartapp
Thank you !!! I had exactly the same issues, found the removal tool, re-installed, copied the web-hooks to the smarthings file etc. but kept getting stuck at the app install and did not figure out to load the app without Wifi! … WHY does this work over mobile connection and not over WIFI ??
But either way! All back up and running! Thanks again!
The key here for me was disconnecting the wifi… as soon as I did the procedure on mobile data, worked straight away… Thank you!
I am left with 4 unused instances of the home assistant app within the myApps section of the samsung classic app… how can I remove these?
Hi! I have a new issue…weird one…I had to replace my SD, restored from snapshot everything and all worked well…for a couple of days…then ST started appearing unavailable all the time in hassio. So, I eliminated the integration, created new token, redo the integration and everything went well. That was yesterday. Today, everything appears unavailable again, and I found a strange notification that stated: Failed attempt to connect from I looked into this and found out this is the server that ST uses to send the cloud info. I don’t know what this has to do with anything, but then I remembered that the first time the unavailable problem started to appear, I had a similar notification…so it seems like hassio is blocking ST somehow and that’s why it appears unavailable after some time. Any ideas???
So just ran into the issue of the orphaned apps. How do you run the removal tool? There are no instructions on the website.
I have the same issue. I am unable to use the remove tool.
Instructions would be most appreciated.
Same issue for me, I have duckdns now running, the token added to the integration but still showing up that SmartThings can’t approve it.
EDITED for future reference – my synology server has a temporary DNS issue… pointed it to and it worked
My integration was acting up so I deleted it and am attempting to set it back up.
I’ve removed all old instances using the steps from
I then did the following
From the ST webpage, Generated token…
From Hass
Configuration / Integration / SmartThings
Confirm Callback URL — returns. "405: Method Not Allowed”
From outside my home, I am able to access the URL when I remove the everything after and including api/… EDIT… I guess this doesn’t actually mean anything?
Enter Access Token / Submit — returns “Unable to setup the SmartApp. Please try again.”
EDIT - my synology server had a temporary DNS issue… pointed it to and it worked
I am brand new to this and need help using the utility. I have home assistant on my raspberry pi and do not know how to run the utility on the device when I am only using a webui