Smoke detector?

Is there any product like google nest that will not expire after 10 years? It has motion detection and wired 230V supply and wifi which is perfect

All smoke detectors will expire after 10 years. They all use a component that degrades with time and drops below valid detection capabilities after 10 years.

I am not sure because smoke unlike CO is detected by light. There is no reason why it should degrade.

I am looking into this OWL now

more info ?

Better smoke detectors are ionization smoke detectors that use Americium-241 to ionize the air between a set of plates. While Am241 half life is about 420-something years, the plates end up contaminated due to stuff in the air.

Same with photoelectric detectors.

The sensors are only guaranteed for 10 years.

Doesn’t mean they stop working after 10 years, but your insurance company/inspector might have an issue with 10+ year old detectors.

Random fact is that much more radioactive stuff was used in older detectors in much larger quantities. I have an old detector I pulled from an abandoned nursing home that uses about 30 uCuries of Radium226 which when exposed pegs my CD V-700 geiger counter at a foot or so. Definitely not something you want to open up.

There’s another reason why the smoke detectors are only rated for 10 years. If they do not have a user replaceable battery, those are also only rated for up to 10 years.

Has anyone tried the Owl wired yet?