Snapcast + TTS

I agree about all theses ideas.

Here is something we should be able to do : SONOS TTS Script

Vlc integration offers something like this :

  - platform: vlc
    name: speaker_1
    arguments: '--alsa-audio-device=hw:1,0'

I wonder if using the arguments parametter would not allow us to play on the snapcast pipe ?

agreend on the coordinator, but you should make sure to not prevent the use of multiple media_player on the same snapclients !
Maybe we should not consider the snapclients as media_players only ? (as they can’t play anything by themselves).

Another idea :
have a way to attach to the pipes(sources in HASS) a media_player(mpd for music, ffmpeg for TTS).
that way if we try to pause a snapclient it will actually pause the coresponding media_player.

this might be the way to go : ?