Snapshot size dramatically increased


I’ve been running HA/Hassio for some months now. I tweaked recorder/logger so the DB size would be kept small. It’s been around 40mb lately.

Today I flashed an ESP32 cam with EspHome, and the Snapshot size is almost 400mb when EspHome is included. I’ve searched through the EspHome folder, but can’t find any big files.

Has anyone had the same problem, or have some tips?

Same here, if you select the files via samba, you will see that the file size is only a few MB, but the Size on Disk is MUCH more…

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google 4 “esphome diskspace” thats a pretty damn big tool.
Just dont add it to your snapshoots or do nit care about 400 MB…

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I have noticed this too, but it doesn’t make sense on my setup. Here’s the latest snapshot I just created:

ESPHome is 34.1MB, larger than anything else in my home assistant installation. From an ssh, I check disk usage:

esphome $ pwd
esphome $ du -sh .
9.1M    .
esphome $

And from windows via samba the “size on disk” value is similarly small:

So what gives, why does the archive get so darn big?

I tried intentionally going into ESPHome and doing a “clean build” to remove all the binaries from behind the scenes and it makes the directory smaller but doesn’t seem to impact the snapshot archive size! WTH?