November 4, 2017, 9:13pm
it would be great to create snapshots of different component settings (lights, switches) and create scenes out of these snapshots.
For example:
Set different lights in my house with brightness, color, temperature, etc. through HA, Hue or Tradfri-App
Set different switches in my house
Create snapshot of all these settings as a new scene
Change some of these settings through HA, Hue or Tradfri and create a new scene
This would provide new HA-users with a quick access for creating different scenes.
(Keith Hull)
November 5, 2017, 10:58pm
Does this cover it? It’s not a feature but a workaround
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November 6, 2017, 1:31am
sounds almost like my want.
November 13, 2017, 11:49am
Great, thanks a lot for sharing!
1 Like
I have been thinking about expanding my scene_generator script to be more of a fully fledged GUI for scene management like you outlined. I might look into it a bit more next week.
Sorry for the super late reply, just noticed the notification.
I would love if you could do that <3