Solar inverter data

I’m using the sensor below to get various data items from my solar inverter (Fronius Symo), and it works great during the day when the unit is online.

But, at the start of the day and the end of the day when the unit is still online but not producing power then the data coming through for the current production is unknown and start throwing errors into the log. additionally after a period of time the unit will go offline and no longer be contactable and therefore not serve the json data. From what i have seen this causes HA to disregard the sensor and it is removed form the dashboard. Problem now is that it doesn’t come back online when the unit is back up and running.

My thoughts so far have been to have a time limit related to the sun up\down feature to enable\disable the sensor or polling but i still want to be able to see how much was produced for the day and what the graph through the day was like.

There is probably a simple answer to this but seeing as i’ve only been doing this for less than a week so far and have a half dozen automations, device trackers and a dozen or more sensors around the place i don’t think i’m doing too badly!

Not sure if there is a simple answer to this unfortunately.
I use an Enphase Envoy system that aggregates the data from my micro inverters and my electricity consumption data. I also use the rest sensor to retrieve data from that device and show it in HA, and from time to time run into the same issue as you do. The cause is either that the device is offline (e.g. after a power outage) or Wifi connectivity is dodgy. Once the rest sensors drops off it seems that the only way to get it back online is to restart HA.
I was thinking into two different directions to improve this:

  1. Modify the rest sensor to be more resilient. E.g. by letting it re-check after some time, or re-check on command, or better handle missing or invalid JSON data.
  2. Implement a new solar power/inverter sensor that is more tailor-made to the individual device, and could maybe present the data in ways that e.g. help using the information in automations, or handle the unit of measurement better to switch between ‘W’ and ‘kW’ automatically.

hi, i have also a fronius inverter. have you been able to solve your problem?

I just got my Fronius Primo inverter and have setup sensors in HA for it (P_PV instead of PAC). I have enabled night mode in the display settings of the inverter’s control panel. I hope this solves your problem. Although, I expect you have moved on, since this comes to you 6 months later.

I grab data from http://myfronius/solar_api/v1/GetPowerFlowRealtimeData.fcgi
which returns…

“Body” : {
“Data” : {
“Inverters” : {
“1” : {
“DT” : 75,
“E_Day” : 2005.9000244140625,
“E_Total” : 192468.015625,
“E_Year” : 192468.109375,
“P” : 792
“Site” : {
“E_Day” : 2005.9000244140625,
“E_Total” : 192468.015625,
“E_Year” : 192468.109375,
“Meter_Location” : “grid”,
“Mode” : “meter”,
“P_Akku” : null,
“P_Grid” : -478.99998929351568,
“P_Load” : -313.00001070648432,
“P_PV” : 792,
“rel_Autonomy” : 100,
“rel_SelfConsumption” : 39.520203372030849
“Version” : “10”
“Head” : {
“RequestArguments” : {},
“Status” : {
“Code” : 0,
“Reason” : “”,
“UserMessage” : “”
“Timestamp” : “2018-02-24T10:26:19+11:00”

Have you had a look at the PVOutput component?
I use it along with a free account at Works for me.
(I am in no way associated with PV Output)