Solar Inverter: Kostal Plenticore Plus integration

Hi Lukas, awesome work.

Things I noticed: Savings are in kg. I’m pretty sure thats just grams.

Also I wanted to ask, on which interface are you fetching data? Is it the modbus interface?
I would like you to offer help implementing the rest of the interface. I’m struggling finding the exact place.

Hello Wenzel,

I use the web API.

I have got the parameters out of the request from the webinterface.

Do you miss any values ?

Oh yes sure the CO2 savings should be in grams. I will fix it.

Ok understood.
The webinterface seems to be very restrictive compared to the data on the modbus interface.

The data from the webinterface also is a little confusing to me. For example the “kostal home power” is zero when my only energy source is the grid. I would expect to see the data from “kostal home power from grid” on this channel.


I saw that too. But there must be a parameter in the api. Because you can see the power usage always in the normal web interface. I will search for it in the evening when it shows 0. Maybe it is like this because the energy doesn’t pass the inverter at that time

Thank you for your great work. One thing i’m missing: is there a way to get the power production per PV string?

You mean this ?

Yepp excactly.

There seems to be an issue with the current power from PV. I thought that should be the reading “Kostal PV Power”, but as you can see with the current value of 53 W (both DC inputs/strings) there is no matching value in HA.

Oh yes you are right.
“Kostal PV Power” is the hole DC power going though the inverter.
I will change the sensor to “Kostal DC power”.

I haven’t found the right parameter by now. And the sun is gone. I will try to find it tomorrow.

Edit: Found both DC inputs and their values. I could simply add them up

Would be great to have them separate + one sumed up!

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Version 0.3.2 is out:

  • PV1Power
  • PV1Voltage
  • PV1Current
  • PV2Power
  • PV2Voltage
  • PV2Current

PVPower to DCPower

Summed up power PV value is still missing. I will add it in the next releases

Thank you. Will test ASAP.

Question: is monitored_conditions mandatory if i want to have all?

Yes it is mandatory. Haven’t set a default yet

Looking very good now! One more question: how often are the values polled? Would it make sense to have a parameter for that?

would definitely make sense. I will add it to the todo list

Version 0.4

PVPower (Summed sensor for pv1 and pv2)
If you dont add monitored_conditions in the config. All Sensors will be created.

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Updated and removed monitored_conditions without issues. Thank you!

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Hi and thank you for your work.
I try to add this too, by now I have integrated HACS too and installed it from there.

But I can’t find Kostal in my integrations and the logfile shows me errors when trying to setup the sensor.

Configuration.yaml is configured like the example config.
Do i need to install some prerequisite in order to read those values from the modbus interface?



do you have a Battery installed on your inverter ?

This component does not read the values from Modbus. It uses the Web API.
Normally you don’t need to install anything additionally.