Solaredge Modbus Configuration for Single Inverter and Battery

It seems like this integration cannot be used with the standard energy dashboard in Home Assistant (entities like current solar power production seem to not be configured to be included there), or am I missing something? I wanted to try that first before following your tutorial on setting up this alternate energy dashboard.

It should work fine, check for things that need fixing on the developer tools>statistics page.

I see no errors there.
It’s just that sensor.solaredge_m1_ac_power (current grid consumption) and sensor.solaredge_i1_ac_power (current solar production) cannot be selected as source entities when configuring the standard dashboard. Only the entity for total energy produced is selectable.

That is because those sensors display the current consumption in W. The energy dashboard requires cumulating sensors in kWh, so you would need to use the sensors:

Then over time the energy dashboard will display the results as well. The sensors you mentioned are some that I use for the Tesla Style Power Card because that than shows me (almost) instantaneous values.

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ok, thanks for clarifying, makes sense now

…well, the install of the panels and SolarEdge is done, the Modbus Multi HACS added, two devices found (the inverter and the meter), 91 entities added, now I just need to work out what they all mean and which ones to use in the Energy Dashboard!! The SolarEdge modbus tech note (Modbus Tech Note) isn’t overly helpful with it’s descriptions! Any top tips on the most useful entities would be appreciated… Another HA integration adventure begins! :slight_smile:

The entities I think are the most useful are enabled by default when you first add your devices. Others that I thought were “advanced” or less useful are disabled by default, but they can be enabled later if desired.

I don’t wait to hijack this discussion but since there is an audience of people here using my integration… StorEdge commands are coming very soon after I get my 2.2.6 release done there will be a pre-release immediately after that adds StorEdge functions. If anyone is up to it I will need testers because I don’t have batteries myself.

I have a topic for my integration here so this one doesn’t get sidetracked, or open a post in discussions on my github: Custom Component solaredge-modbus-multi


Ive been trying to get the config working for my Solaredge SE4K (3Fase - no battery). However, im missing sensor - sensor.solaredge_m1_ac_power -
Am I missing something here?

I think you do not have an import/export meter installed. My guess is that you also do not see that in your Solaredge portal right?
If so, this config will not work unfortunately…

What do you mean with import/export meter installed ? Is there an option I have to enable in the Solaredge config? The config currently shows:

I have a seperate meter installed in my breaker box, which has clamps over the 3 phase cables. This measures the power I import or export and this meter is connected to my inverter. (Pretty standard with a battery as well). This then also shows the exact values in the solaredge monitoring platform and the values are used in my configuration.
If you do not have this meter installed (which is also a normal configuration, same as my parents), my config will not work for you unfortunately.

For reference, I see these kinds of values in my monitoring portal:

Ah…that is clear.
Do I understand correctly I would be able to use the sensors of my P1 electricity monitor for that?
Values are gathered directly from my electricity meter.

Hmmm…yes…you have the Power Consumption and the Power Production entities, that should work. The solaredge entity is positive when I produce and negative when I consume, your entities show positive values. So I guess you would need to create a template entity which creates the sum of those to, to get the same behaviour as the solaredge one (and multiply by 1000 to get the value in W, not kW).
The other thing you should look after is the update interval. Those would need to be the same between solaredge and your P1 meter. Then, the next step would be to replace the solaredge entity in the configuration with your own template entity and then…I think it should work. A bit of a puzzle but should be doable…

Thanks Remko! I will give it a try!


Did you ever get a chance to look at the code? I appreciate all your help! I know we all have lives and HA isn’t always a top priority.

Sorry for my late reply…I actually forgot about it…

Question…do you have the sensors solaredge_m1_…? So basically…do you have an import/export meter installed? If not…that explains why these values stay 0 and unfortunately…without an import/export meter, my configuration will not work for you. Please see the few posts above this from @Ernie4President …he also does not have the meter, but has a different meter to measure import/export…

Yes, I think I have what you are talking about. I think I just use split phase instead of three phase like you.

Hmm…looks like it is available. Could you post a list of the sensors which the integration gives you? It might be just that the required sensors are named differently.

First two pics are the meter and the third one is inverter 3. let me know if you need the other two inverters.
