Solaredge Modbus Configuration for Single Inverter and Battery

thank you so much this is exactly the info i needed

i wonder if worrying about all this is a waste of time - as the system can do this for you built in it seems. nice to have to control it

my installer may not give me password

Hi, can someone poste the template sensor to get ā€œactual power consuption by house (realtime)ā€, and the ā€œactual power auto-consuption by house (realtime)ā€ using modbus integration? I need to recreate a more detailed graph like solaredge app.
Actually this data is only available with API, but time refresh is too high. thanks

Hey, Iā€™m really enjoying your integration, but Iā€™m encountering an issue with my dual inverter setup coupled with a battery. In this setup, i1 acts as the master and i2 as the slave, with the battery connected to i1. The configuration was straightforward, but Iā€™ve noticed that whenever the battery charges or discharges, it affects the solaredge sensor reading for i1 AC power. This results in occasional negative values and even instances of apparent power generation during the night.

Does anyone have insights into how to perform calculations to mitigate the influence of the battery on the power readings? (Note: The DC power from the battery and the AC power from i1 are not exact opposites.) thanks

First question - how do you manage to achieve zero power use overnight? My setup is exactly like yours, so two inverters, with a single battery connected to I1. Any time the battery charges or discharges, it does so through I1. My I1 is an SE4000H so when charging from solar, I also get some DC from I2, which is an SE3680H. The maximum battery charge rate from solar is 5kW.

When discharging, the most I can get from the battery is 4kW (slightly less in reality).

So my trace over the same period as yours looks like this:

So, I1 always shows the house consumption overnight as it runs off the battery unless Iā€™m grid charging the battery (as at 3am - 3:30am and 4:30am - 6am)

If you only have one battery module your max discharge is 4kā€¦ if that was a question.

Not really, and Iā€™m not sure what that adds to the discussion and points raised by @Schockis :man_shrugging:.

I donā€™t have a zero power use. My base consumption is around 500W, but due to the scaling of the y-axis this appears to be almost zero (if you zoom in you can see this).
I am glad that it is normal that the battery charge graph is related to the inverter graph.
Do you also recieve sometimes a negativ house consumption?


Does anyone know where I can find the configuration for mulit Inverter? I have two inverters each with a battery.

Thanks Grave


I donā€™t think anyone has published a configuration for 2 inverters with a battery each. You need to exptend the configuration for 2 inverters with one battery.

Just a general question, not related to the specific integration.

I have Solaredge inverter + DC battery
I have a lot of sensors (modbus integrations), solaredge api integration (even some extra rest sensors) and P1 meters.

I notice quite some discrepancy between all the measurements.
Between P1 and modbus meter is up to 10% difference, and the calculation of house consumption and other values is also quite different.
Anybody else is measuring this?

I also retrieve the values from the Solaredge API about total charged and discharged to the battery, and there is 13% difference between the two, so I assume that is the loss of using a battery?

This looks like a hot topic. Iā€™m quite new to solar, home assistant etc. Is there any documents that show what benefits the Solaredge Modbus integration has over the cloud based one?

You can get data faster out of the modbus integration than you can from the cloud. I personally use 30 second intervals.

Cloud data is also delayed compared to modbus which is live.

Release v2.4.18 is now available. If you have batteries with a backup interface, this release adds a Grid Power binary sensor you can use to determine if youā€™re running on battery backup or grid power.

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Im trying to run this integration in my Home Assistant. I have a crazy setup in my house, because 1 inverter broke and was replaced by the solar company. Now i have one without Display (SE5000H, is set as Master) an one with Display (SE4000H, is set as Slave, but shown as WND-3Y-400-MB from WattNode, whatever that meansā€¦). Battery is LG Resu. Im not able to setup this integration. Can anybody help me with this?

BR Dominik

You need to make sure Modbus is turned on, follow the instructions here:

Hey there,

I accidentially installed the outdated code of the old post which only partly worked.

I noticed that I am using the solaredge multi plugin so I also added the solaredge modbus single plugin parallel.
I also changed the allocation to the sensors of the newly installed single plugin (as the multi plugin reserves the Solaredge prefix for the sensors) - however this did not work out.

Then I found this thread and followed the updated instructions from github.

Finally I am on the latest version of Solaredge Multi now and followed the instructions for install as stated on github: GitHub - Remko76/hasolarcfg: Solar Package for Home assistant using Solaredge Modbus multi integration without battery automations

From my understanding this should work with the multi plugin. (which is working fine and showing data for the sensors and let me control the battery)

However non of the created sensors of your config is showing actual data.

I have the feeling that due the previous tries getting this to run the sensors are not working as they may store old settings. I should start fresh.

I tried deleting all events under development tools and deleted all sensors. now adding the config files will not add the sensors againā€¦

Can you tell what steps I have to undergo to get rid of all sensors and information from the previos instructions to start and to import the config again?

As I understand matters, none of the currently available pre-written integrations allow actions to be sent to SolarEdge?

Please therefore could anyone help me with a piece of YAML which I could adapt, or any other hints to achieve the following?

I seek to be able to block SolarEdge battery discharging when my grid provider (Octopus) pushes a boost charge to my EV via the MyEnergi Zappi charger.

Getting the state of the Zappi I have achieved, it is how then to push a command to the SolarEdge modbus, and what that command should be, which is defeating me.

Many thanks all.

There are a couple of entities you could exploit to achieve that.




Trigger an automation on state change of your Zappi then either set the storage_command_mode to Solar Only, effectively turning off the battery, or set the storage_discharge_limit to zero for the duration of the charging period. I do the latter.

Only thing to watch out for is the solaredge internal timer, which defaults to 1 hour or 3600s.
Itā€™s number.solaredge_i1_storage_command_timeout if you want to have a look at it. If you leave it at the default, the storage command mode will change back to whatever your select.solaredge_i1_storage_default_mode is. So if you need the storage_command_mode to stay at Solar Only for longer than 1 hour, you need to set the timeout number before you change the storage_command_mode.

You also need the select.solaredge_i1_storage_control_mode set to Remote Control to this.

Itā€™s really not as complicated as it sounds.

Hereā€™s an example of my switch on Option

      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - "On"
          - condition: state
            entity_id: input_boolean.rolec_battery_master
            state: "on"
          - condition: state
            entity_id: input_boolean.car_plugged_in
            state: "on"
          - service: switch.turn_on
            data: {}
              entity_id: switch.shelly1_c45bbe7867c7
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 30
              milliseconds: 0
          - service: number.set_value
              value: >-
                | float(0) }}
              entity_id: number.solaredge_i1_storage_discharge_limit

I have a dumb Rolec Wallbox chargepoint controlled by a Shelly relay. The other conditions are just used to make sure my dumb chargepoint doesnā€™t start charging as soon as I plug the car in.